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WDialog API for Objective Caml: index_values

Index of values

add [Wd_var_functions]
Adds the numbers encoded as String_value, and returns the sum as String_value.
add [Wd_interactor]
add ia name index opt_id value: adds the triple (name,index,value) to ia; if opt_id is None, the triple gets an automatically selected numerical ID; if opt_id is Some id, the triple has the ID id.
add [Wd_dictionary]
adjust_gc [Wd_run_cgi]
Adjust the garbage collector for short-living processes.
and_ [Wd_var_functions]
Calculates the logical AND operation for all its arguments: Returns 1 if all arguments are non-zero integers, and 0 otherwise.
apply [Wd_template]
apply dlg t params: instantiates the template t with parameters params and returns the result.
apply_byname [Wd_template]
apply_byname dlg n params = apply (get n) params: instantiates the template with name n with parameters params and returns the result.
apply_lazily [Wd_template]
apply_lazily dlg n params: creates a tree node which applies the template n by instantiating the parameters params.
assoc [Wd_var_functions]
Looks the second argument up in the first argument, which must be an Alist_value.

card [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the cardinality of the single argument.
card_eq [Wd_var_functions]
card_ge [Wd_var_functions]
These functions compare the cardinality of the first argument with a string taken as integer, and return 1 if the condition is fulfilled, and 0 if not.
card_gt [Wd_var_functions]
card_le [Wd_var_functions]
card_lt [Wd_var_functions]
card_ne [Wd_var_functions]
clear [Wd_interactor]
clear ia: Removes all entries from the interactor.
compile [Wd_transform]
Compiles the file and writes it to the out_channel.
concat [Wd_var_functions]
Concatenates all the String_value arguments, and returns the result as String_value.
concat [Wd_template]
concat app sep l: if l = [n1;n2;...;nN], the concatenation n1 .
contains [Wd_var_functions]
Returns 1 if the first argument contains the second argument, and 0 otherwise.
create [Wd_interactor]
create x: Creates a new interactor manager.
create_anchor_event [Wd_var_functions]
Add an anchor event and return the identifier
create_request_handler [Wd_run_jserv]
This function creates a request handler for a JSERV-based application server.
create_request_handler [Wd_run_fcgi]
create_xanchor_event [Wd_var_functions]
Add an indexed anchor event and return the identifier

dialog [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the name of the current dialog (no arguments)
dialog_exists [Wd_var_functions]
When called with only one argument: The function returns 1 if the argument is an existing dialog (i.e.
div [Wd_var_functions]
Divides the first number through the following numbers.
dtd_1 [Wd_application_dtd]
The WDialog DTD version 1 as string
dtd_2 [Wd_application_dtd]
The WDialog DTD version 2 as string
dump_interactors [Wd_dialog]
Prints a readable description of the contents of the interactors argument to the passed formatter.

empty [Wd_template]
A tree node which expands to the empty string.
empty [Wd_dictionary]
encode_as_html [Wd_encoding]
Encodes strings as HTML: '<' becomes &lt;, '>' becomes &gt;, '"' becomes &quot;, '&' becomes &amp; All other characters remain unchanged.
encode_as_js_longstring [Wd_encoding]
Similar to encode_as_js_string, but an additional rules prevents that long lines result.
encode_as_js_string [Wd_encoding]
Encodes strings such that they can be placed between quotes in Javascript.
encode_as_para [Wd_encoding]
Multiple linefeeds are replaced by <p>.
encode_as_pre [Wd_encoding]
Does the following encoding: ' ' becomes &nbsp;, '\n' becomes <br>, '\t' is expanded to a sequence of &nbsp;, tab width is 8 All other characters remain unchanged.
eq [Wd_var_functions]
Compares two strings, and returns 1 when equal and 0 when not equal
exists [Wd_interactor]
exists ia name index: returns whether the pair (name,index) exists in ia.

false_ [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the constant 0
find [Wd_dictionary]
fold [Wd_dictionary]

get [Wd_upload]
Returns the CGI argument containing the file upload information for the file upload box with the passed name.
get [Wd_template]
get app n: looks up the template with name n, or raise Template_not_found.
get_parameters [Wd_templrep]
Returns the parameters that have been found in the template as dictionary

height [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the height of the String_value argument.
html [Wd_template]
html app s: Forms a tree node which expands exactly to s.

id [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the first argument
if_ [Wd_var_functions]
Evaluates the first argument (which must be an integer).
init [Wd_upload]
Scans the available CGI parameters for file uploads, and initializes this module.
instantiate [Wd_templrep]
instantiate ~eval_expr pt params container:
int_abs [Wd_var_functions]
int_eq [Wd_var_functions]
int_ge [Wd_var_functions]
These functions compare two strings as integers, and return 1 if the condition is fulfilled, and 0 if not.
int_gt [Wd_var_functions]
int_le [Wd_var_functions]
int_lt [Wd_var_functions]
int_max [Wd_var_functions]
These functions compute the minimum/maximum of all integer arguments
int_min [Wd_var_functions]
int_ne [Wd_var_functions]
int_sign [Wd_var_functions]
These functions compute the absolute value/the sign of the first integer argument
iter [Wd_interactor]
iter f ia: iterates over the elements of ia and invoke the function f for every element by f id name index value.
iter [Wd_dictionary]

language [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the current language, or "" if none selected (no arguments)
length [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the length of the single string argument in characters.
load_uiapplication [Wd_transform]
Loads the ui definition contained in the binary file, and returns the contents as application declaration.
lookup [Wd_interactor]
lookup ia id: looks up the triple (name,index,value) for the ID id within ia.

make_environment [Wd_cycle]
Creates an (otherwise empty) environment with the passed CGI activation object.
map [Wd_dictionary]
mapi [Wd_dictionary]
match_ [Wd_var_functions]
Checks whether the first string matches the regular expression in the second string, and returns 1 on match and 0 otherwise
mem [Wd_dictionary]
mentions [Wd_var_functions]
Returns 1 if the first argument contains the second argument, and 0 otherwise.
modulo [Wd_var_functions]
The first number module the second number.
mul [Wd_var_functions]
Multiplies the numbers encoded as String_value, and returns the product as String_value.

ne [Wd_var_functions]
Compares two strings, and returns 0 when equal and 1 when not equal
nomatch [Wd_var_functions]
Checks whether the first string matches the regular expression in the second string, and returns 0 on match and 1 otherwise
not_ [Wd_var_functions]
Calculates the logical NOT operation of its single argument: Returns 1 if the argument is 0, and 0 if the argument is non-zero.
nth [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the nth element of the first argument which must be an Alist_value.

of_alist [Wd_dictionary]
Convert the passed associative list to the corresponding dictionary
or_ [Wd_var_functions]
Calculates the logical OR operation for all its arguments: Returns 1 if there is a non-zero integer as argument, and 0 otherwise.

page [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the name of the current page (no arguments)
parse_uiapplication [Wd_transform]
Parses the file whose name is passed to the function, and returns the contents of the ui file as application declaration.
prepare_tree_with_parameters [Wd_templrep]
let pt = prepare_tree_with_parameters ~mk_uiencode name app nodes:
process_request [Wd_cycle]
This is the main function processing requests coming from the browser.

remove [Wd_dictionary]
rev_translate [Wd_var_functions]
Maps external values to internal values:
revision_ocaml [Wd_ocamlversion]
run [Wd_run_cgi]
A customizable "main program" which processes CGI requests and generates responses.

self [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the current dialog (no arguments)
self_base_url [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the URL pointing to the current script without session state
serialize [Wd_interactor]
serialize f b ia: Writes the serialization of ia to buffer b.
session_id [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the session ID without checksum
size [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the size of the single argument, which may be a String_value, Enum_value, Dyn_enum_value, or an Alist_value.
stdlib_iso88591_1 [Wd_stdlib]
The contents of stdlib.xml as Pxp_marshal'ed string (ISO-8859-1)
stdlib_utf8_1 [Wd_stdlib]
The contents of stdlib.xml as Pxp_marshal'ed string (UTF8)
sub [Wd_var_functions]
Subtracts the following numbers from the first number.
substring [Wd_var_functions]
Returns a substring of the first argument, a String_value.

text [Wd_template]
text app s: Forms a tree node which expands to the text s.
to_alist [Wd_dictionary]
Convert the dictionary to an associative list
to_string [Wd_template]
to_string dlg t: converts the tree representation t to its string representation.
translate [Wd_var_functions]
Like ui:translate maps internal values of enumerators to external values.
true_ [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the constant 1

unserialize [Wd_interactor]
unserialize f buf: Reads the serialized string from buf and reconstructs the interactors.

var [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the contents of the variable whose name is passed as first argument, a String_value.

width [Wd_var_functions]
Returns the width of the String_value argument.

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