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WDialog API for Objective Caml: index_types

Index of types

debug_mode_style [Wd_types]
Whether the generated HTML comments do escape HTML meta characters always (`Fully_encoded), or only partially (`Partially_encoded).
dict [Wd_types]
The type 'a dict is just an abbreviation for dictionaries (mappings from strings to 'a).
ds_buf [Wd_types]

enum_decl [Wd_types]
The type of an enumeration declaration (i.e.
environment [Wd_types]
This record contains data that may be different for every CGI request.
event [Wd_types]
expr [Wd_templrep]
Expressions inside $...

id [Wd_interactor]
Interactors are identified by strings
interactors [Wd_types]
Values of this type store the mapping from the (name,index) pairs of interactor elements to the real CGI parameter names together with auxiliary components.

param [Wd_templrep]
The type of parameters to instantiate.
poly_ds_buf [Wd_types]
The deserialization buffer
poly_ds_buf [Wd_serialize_types]
poly_var_decl [Wd_types]
This record describes variable declarations.
poly_var_value [Wd_types]

response_header [Wd_types]
This record contains the CGI header of the response.

t [Wd_templrep]
The type of prepared templates
t [Wd_interactor]
The type of interactors
t [Wd_dictionary]
template [Wd_template]
The type of template definitions
trans_vars [Wd_types]
This record is private for the transformation engine.
tree [Wd_template]
The type of instantiated templates ("XML trees")

upload_manager [Wd_upload]
Manages the file upload parameters of a certain request

var_decl [Wd_types]
var_type_name [Wd_types]
The different variable types
var_value [Wd_types]

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