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Data types
 Data types (O'Caml)
 Data types (Perl)
The representation of the data types in Perl

In the Perl environment, the dialog data types are represented as Perl classes:

  • UI::Variable::String is the class representing the string type

  • UI::Variable::Enum is the class representing the type of declared enumerators

  • UI::Variable::DynEnum is the class representing the type dynamic-enumerator

  • UI::Variable::Dialog is the class representing the dialog type

  • UI::Variable::Alist is the class representing associative lists

Before you can access these classes, you must load them:

use UI::Variable;
- loads all classes at once.

In the following explanations, the objects of these classes are called "value containers", as they serve as containers for a low-level representation of values[1].

The interfaces of the value containers


A string container can be created by

    my $s_container = new UI::Variable::String("The string");
The string of such a container can be read by calling

    my $s = $s_container->value;    # returns "The String"
Note that it is normally not necessary to use string containers as there are special access methods for string variables (string_variable and set_string_variable).

A container for a declared enumerator can be formed by

    my $e_container = new UI::Variable::Enum("x1","x2",...);
where x1,x2,... are the internal items of the enumerator. If necessary, it is possible to add a new internal item to an already existing container:

The list of internal items of an enumerator can be read by

    my @items = $e_container->value;  # returns ("x1","x2","x3")
The number of items:

    my $n = $e_container->length;
To iterate over the items of a container, apply this method:

    $e_container->iter( sub { my $item = shift; .... } )

A dynamic enumerator consisting of the internal items x1, x2, .. and the corresponding external values y1, y2, ... can be formed by:

    my $d_container = new UI::Variable::DynEnum(["x1","y1"],["x2","y2"],...);
There is also a method to add another pair:

The list of pairs can be requested by calling:

    my @pairs = $d_container->value;
In this example, @pairs is equal to the list

The number of pairs:

    my $n = $d_container->length;
To iterate over the items of a container, apply this method:

    $d_container->iter( sub { my ($x,$y) = @_; .... } )
Here, $x is the interal and $y the external value of the current pair that is being visited during the iteration.

An UI::Dialog instance $dlgobj can be put into a value container by

    my $o_container = new UI::Variable::Dialog($dlgobj);
To get the dialog back, do

    my $dlgobj = $o_container->value;

An associative list of values is handled like a dynamic enumerator. An alist container consisting of the keys i1,i2,... and the corresponding values v1,v2,... can be created by

    my $a_container = new UI::Variable::Alist( ["i1",$v1], ["i2",$v2], ... );
Here, i1, i2, etc must be strings, and $v1, $v2, etc must be value containers (UI::Variable::String, or -::Enum, or -::DynEnum, or -::Object). It is possible to add another key/value mapping:

The list of pairs can be requested by calling:

    my @pairs = $a_container->value;
In this example, @pairs is equal to the list

The number of pairs:

    my $n = $a_container->length;
To iterate over the items of a container, apply this method:

    $a_container->iter( sub { my ($i,$v) = @_; .... } )
Here, $i is the index (key) and $v the corresponding value of the current pair that is being visited during the iteration.
Getting values of variables

Let $ui be the UI::Dialog in the following examples. In order to get a variable of arbitrary type one can invoke the variable method:

    my $v = $ui->variable("name");
This method returns a value container, i.e. one object of the classes UI::Variable::String, -::Enum, -::DynEnum, -::Dialog, or -::Alist. For instance, if the object is a string, the scalar value of the string can be obtained by:

    my $s = $ui->variable("name")->value;
For convenience, the types string and enumerator are supported specially. To read a string scalar, one can alternatively invoke:

    my $s = $ui->string_variable("name");
Enumerator values can be accessed by calling:

    my @e = $ui->enum_variable("name");
@e will be the list of internal items.
Setting values of variables

The method set_variable changes the value of a variable. You must pass the name of the variable and the value container $v to the method:

    $ui->set_variable("name", $v);
For example, to set the value of a string variable to "happy", the following statement can be executed:

    $ui->set_variable("name", new UI::Variable::String("happy"));
For convenience, there is a "shortcut method" for strings:

    $ui->set_string_variable("name", "happy");
Resetting values of variables

The following method sets the value of a variable back to its initial value - either the default specified in the ui:variable element, or the null value of the type:

The dot notation

As a more convenient method to access variables of inner dialogs, it is possible to refer to variables by the dot notation. For example, if there is a dialog variable d, and the string variable s is defined in the dialog that is currently the value of d, you can get the string contents of s by this expression:

my $s = $ui->string_variable("d.s");
This is a shorthand notation for:

my $d = $ui->variable("d")->value();
die "Dialog is empty!" if (!defined($d));
my $s = $d->string_variable("s");
See the section about Dot notation (v1.v2) for details.
The containers contain methods to map the contained values to the corresponding O'Caml value, and to map O'Caml values back. Actually, the O'Caml values are the low-level representation from the view of the Perl bindings.
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