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Module Hydro_lm_IceObject

module Hydro_lm_IceObject: sig .. end
The default ::Ice::Object

This modules is used by the generated language mapping layer to refer to ::Ice::Object, the root of the class hierarchy.

Proxy view

type proxy_name = [ `Ice_Object ] 
type pr_Ice_Object = [ `Ice_Object ] Hydro_lm.proxy_reference 
val ofpr_Ice_Object : pr_Ice_Object option -> Hydro_types.value
val topr_Ice_Object : Hydro_types.value -> pr_Ice_Object option
class type ['a] r_simple_response = object .. end
class type r_Ice_Object_ice_ping = [unit] r_simple_response
class type r_Ice_Object_ice_id = [string] r_simple_response
class type r_Ice_Object_ice_ids = [string array] r_simple_response
class type r_Ice_Object_ice_isA = [bool] r_simple_response
val to_r_Ice_Object_ice_ping : Hydro_lm.client_response -> r_Ice_Object_ice_ping
val to_r_Ice_Object_ice_id : Hydro_lm.client_response -> r_Ice_Object_ice_id
val to_r_Ice_Object_ice_ids : Hydro_lm.client_response -> r_Ice_Object_ice_ids
val to_r_Ice_Object_ice_isA : Hydro_lm.client_response -> r_Ice_Object_ice_isA
class type poi_Ice_Object = object .. end
class type po_Ice_Object = object .. end
class pci_Ice_Object : Hydro_proxy.proxy_t -> poi_Ice_Object
val pc_Ice_Object : Hydro_proxy.proxy_env_t ->
pr_Ice_Object -> po_Ice_Object
val unchecked_pr_Ice_Object : 'a Hydro_lm.proxy_reference -> pr_Ice_Object
type or_Ice_Object 
class type od_Ice_Object = object .. end
type rr_Ice_Object_ice_ping = < result : unit > 
type rr_Ice_Object_ice_id = < result : string > 
type rr_Ice_Object_ice_ids = < result : string array > 
type rr_Ice_Object_ice_isA = < result : bool > 
type uncallable 
class type oi_Ice_Object = object .. end
class type o_Ice_Object = object .. end
exception O_Ice_Object of o_Ice_Object
class ops_Ice_Object : string -> string array -> oi_Ice_Object
ops_Ice_Object typeid typeids: Implements the default operations for the assumption that the object is compatible with all the types that are passed as argument typeids.
class skel_Ice_Object : oi_Ice_Object
val as_Ice_Object : #Hydro_lm.object_base -> o_Ice_Object
val wrap_Ice_Object : o_Ice_Object -> or_Ice_Object
val unwrap_Ice_Object : or_Ice_Object -> o_Ice_Object
val ofor_Ice_Object : or_Ice_Object -> Hydro_types.value
val toor_Ice_Object : Hydro_types.value -> or_Ice_Object
val dispatch_Ice_Object : oi_Ice_Object ->
string -> Hydro_types.value array -> Hydro_types.session -> unit
class delegate_od_Ice_Object : #od_Ice_Object -> od_Ice_Object
class delegate_oi_Ice_Object : #oi_Ice_Object -> oi_Ice_Object
val dec_Ice_Object : Hydro_types.slice list -> unit * Hydro_types.slice list
val enc_Ice_Object : #od_Ice_Object -> Hydro_types.slice list
class mk_od_Ice_Object : unit -> od_Ice_Object
class sliced_od_Ice_Object : #od_Ice_Object -> Hydro_lm.sliced_base
class mk_Ice_Object : #od_Ice_Object -> o_Ice_Object
class restore_Ice_Object : Hydro_types.sliced_value -> o_Ice_Object
val defterm_Ice_Object : Hydro_types.hintf Lazy.t
val class_defterm_Ice_Object : Hydro_types.hclass Lazy.t
val fill_system : Hydro_types.system -> unit
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