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Class type Hydro_proxy.pool_t

class type pool_t = object .. end
A pool keeps connections from clients to servers

method set_esys : Unixqueue.event_system -> unit
Tell the pool the event system. Can only be done once
method request_clients : Hydro_types.system ->
shared_or_private ->
int ->
(Hydro_connector.client_connector * Hydro_types.client_params) list ->
managed_client_t list
Request clients from the pool
method deactivate_host : Unix.inet_addr -> float -> unit
Deactivate the host for this number of seconds
method deactivate_port : Hydro_types.network_port -> float -> unit
Deactivate the port for this number of seconds
method trigger_shutdown : unit -> unit
Shuts all pooled clients down. Note that this is an asynchronous shutdown, i.e. the shutdown actions are performed first when the event system is run!

After the shutdown, the pool is still usable, and new connections can again be created.

method shutdown : unit -> unit
Shuts all pooled clients down. This version is synchronous, and runs the event queue until all clients are down.

Note that it is possible that other pending events will cause attempts to create new connections while the shutdown is in progress. The pool revokes such attempts, such that it is ensured that all connections are down when this method returns.

After the shutdown, the pool is still usable, and new connections can again be created.

method abort : unit -> unit
Aborts all pooled clients (immediately)
method reset : unit -> unit
Shuts all clients down, and forget any deactivations
method is_available : Unix.inet_addr ->
Hydro_types.network_port option ->
shared_or_private -> float -> bool
This method is called by the pool implementation to check for the availability of a service. It is exposed in the public interface so it can be overridden by specialized pool implementations.
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