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Index of exceptions

Client_condition [Hydro_types]
These conditions may be passed back to the caller of a RPC function: `Message_lost: The client was shut down before the response arrived. The reason is unrelated to the RPC call that sees `Message_lost (i.e. it is a follow-up error). The argument says whether the request message was tried to send (true) or not (false)., `Message_timeout: The maximum time for replying the RPC call has been exceeded., `Transport_timeout: The transport level (TCP level) blocks for too long. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.), `Connect_timeout: The transport level (TCP level) blocks for too long while connecting to a server, or while doing the initial handshake. It is ensured that the server has never seen the RPC call. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.), `Connect_error e: An error happened while connecting to the server, or while doing the initial handshake. The exception e explains the error. It is ensured that the server has never seen the RPC call. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.), `Client_is_down: A call is tried with a client that is already shut down, `User_exception sv: The remote function raises a user-level exception, i.e. an exception that is declared in the Ice IDL. The sliced value sv represents the exception., `Object_does_not_exist(id,facet,op): Cannot call the function op, optionally in facet, of the remote object id because the object is unknown to the server., `Facet_does_not_exist(id,facet,op): Cannot call the function op, optionally in facet, of the remote object id because the facet is unknown to the server., `Operation_does_not_exist(id,facet,op): Cannot call the function op, optionally in facet, of the remote object id because the function is unknown to the server., `Unknown_local_exception s: While performing the remote operation the server caught an exception that is declared in the IDL as local exception (such exception cannot be marshalled at all). The string s explains the exception., `Unknown_user_exception s: While performing the remote operation the server caught an exception that is declared in the IDL but not for the operation. The string s explains the exception., `Unknown_exception s: While performing the remote operation the server caught an unknown exception. The string s explains the exception., `Error e: An error happened that is not one of the above. The exception e explains the error. (This is a fatal error, and the client is shut down.)

Domain_not_found [Hydro_types]
A DNS name cannot be resolved.

Error [Hydro_locator]
Error [Hydro_lm]
An error produced by the generated lang mapping code.

Identity_exists [Hydro_oa]
Invalid_coercion [Hydro_lm]
A coercion cannot be done

Limitation [Hydro_types]
A Hydro limitation was hit: `UnsupportedEncodingVersion: Hydro only understands version 1.0, `UnsupportedProtocolVersion: Hydro only understands version 1.0

Marshal_error [Hydro_types]
A value cannot be marshalled, i.e.

No_result [Hydromon_query]
An error prevented the check from being done

O_Ice_Object [Hydro_lm_IceObject]
Object_exists [Hydro_oa]

Protocol_violation [Hydro_types]
A violation of the protocol has been detected: `MessageFormatViolation reason: The data received over the wire cannot be even split into messages. reason explains why., `CompressionNotSupported: A compressed message was received although Hydro announces that it does not support compression., `BadMessageType: XXX
Proxy_error [Hydro_types]
The proxy is unable to fulfill the request: `NoCallableEndpointFound: After the endpoint resolution procedure no endpoint turns out to be usable. Note that also DNS failures can lead to this error., `NoEndpointIsReachable: None of the resolved endpoints is actually reachable., `NoLocatorIsReachable: No locator (i.e. IceGrid node) is actually reachable, and the resolution procedure fails because of this., `ProxyIsDown: The proxy has been shut down

Unbound_exception [Hydro_types]
An exception that has not to be caught by a exception handler built into Hydro.
Unimplemented_operation [Hydro_types]
This operation was called, but the actual definition is missing
Unmarshal_error [Hydro_types]
A received message cannot be decoded into a value.

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