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Index of values

(<&) [Shell]
Same as assign, but infix notation.
(>&) [Shell]
Same as assign, but infix notation.
_exit [Netsys]
Exit the program immediately without running the atexit handlers.
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_callit'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_callit'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_dump'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_dump'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_getport'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_getport'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_null'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_null'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_set'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_set'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_unset'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_unset'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_call_args [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_call_result [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_mapping [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_pmaplist [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_of_pmaplist_p [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_callit'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_callit'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_dump'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_dump'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_getport'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_getport'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_null'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_null'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_set'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_set'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_unset'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_unset'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_call_args [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_call_result [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_mapping [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_pmaplist [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
_to_pmaplist_p [Rpc_portmapper_aux]

abandon_job [Shell_sys]
Tries to get rid of a running job.
ac_by_host [Nethttpd_services]
Configures host-based access control
add [Netshm_hashtbl]
add tbl key value: Adds the binding of key to value to the table.
add [Netshm]
add tbl key value: Adds the binding of key to value to the table.
add_abort_action [Unixqueue]
An abort action is added to the group.
add_buffer [Netbuffer]
add_buffer nb1 nb2: Adds the contents of nb2 to the end of nb1
add_call [Rpc_client]
add_call client proc_name arg f: add the call to the procedure name with argument arg to the queue of unprocessed calls.
add_char [Netbuffer]
add_char nb c: Adds a single char at the end of the buffer
add_close_action [Unixqueue]
A close action is added for the file descriptor.
add_command [Shell_sys]
Adds a command to a job.
add_consumer [Shell_sys]
Adds a consumer to the job.
add_event [Unixqueue]
Add an additional event.
add_event [Equeue]
Puts an event into the event queue of the system.
add_handler [Unixqueue]
Add an event handler that is associated to the given group.
add_handler [Equeue]
Adds a handler to the list of handlers of the system.
add_inplace [Netbuffer]
add_inplace nb f: Calls the function f to add bytes to the netbuffer nb.
add_pipeline [Shell_sys]
Adds a pipeline which redirects the output of the command src to the input of the command dest.
add_producer [Shell_sys]
Adds a producer to the job.
add_resource [Unixqueue]
Add a resource such that it is watched for conditions described by the operation for the period given by the float number.
add_string [Netbuffer]
add_string nb s: Adds a copy of the string s to the logical end of the netbuffer nb.
add_sub_string [Netbuffer]
add_sub_string nb s k n: Adds the substring of s starting at position k with length n to the logical end of the netbuffer nb.
add_substring [Netbuffer]
Alias for add_sub_string
ajp_processor [Netcgi_plex]
apply_relative_url [Neturl]
apply_relative_url base rel: Interprets rel relative to base and returns the new URL.
are_compatible [Xdr]
are_compatible: currently not implemented
arg_parse [Netcgi_ajp]
arg_parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg parses the command line and return an associative list describing the content of the property file (see Netcgi_ajp.props_of_file).
args [Netplex_main]
let (opt_list, cmdline_cfg) = args(): Returns opt_list for inclusion in the Arg.parse option list.
assign [Shell]
Arranges a redirection such that writing to src or reading from src will actually write to target or read from target (i.e., the target descriptor is duplicated and replaces the src descriptor just before the process is launched.)
assigned_pair [Shell]
Returns the target and the source of the assignment as pair of descriptors (target,src).
auth_none [Rpc_server]
The authentication method "AUTH_NONE", i.e.
auth_none [Rpc_client]
The authentication method that does not perform authentication.
auth_too_weak [Rpc_server]
The method that always rejects.
auth_transport [Rpc_server]
Authenticate by trusting the transport layer.
available_input_encodings [Netconversion]
Returns the list of all available encodings that can be used for input strings.
available_output_encodings [Netconversion]
Returns the list of all available encodings that can be used for output strings.

best_charset [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the best charset for a header and a list of supported charsets.
best_encoding [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the best encoding for a header and a list of supported encodings.
best_locking_method [Netshm]
Return the best locking method other than No_locking
best_media_type [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the best media type for a header and a list of supported types.
bigarray [Netshm]
bind [Rpc_server]
Binds the program as specified by the binding list.
blit [Netbuffer]
Compatibility name for blit_to_string, now deprecated
blit_from_string [Netbuffer]
blit_from_string src srcpos dest destpos len: Copies the len bytes at position srcpos from the string src to the netbuffer dest at position destpos.
blit_to_string [Netbuffer]
blit_to_string nb srcpos dest destpos len: Copies the len bytes at position srcpos from nb to the string dest at position destpos.
blocking_read [Netsys]
let p = blocking_read fd s pos len: Reads exactly p bytes from fd and stores them in s starting at pos where p is the minimum of len and the number of bytes that are available on fd until the end of the file.
blocking_socket_config [Rpc_client]
Configuration with non_blocking_connect = false
bound_programs [Rpc_server]
Returns the bound programs
bounded_full_split [Netstring_pcre]
Splits into at most n substrings, based on full_split
bounded_full_split [Netstring_str]
Splits into at most n substrings, based on full_split
bounded_split [Netstring_pcre]
Splits into at most n substrings, based on split
bounded_split [Netstring_str]
Splits into at most n substrings, based on split
bounded_split_delim [Netstring_pcre]
Splits into at most n substrings, based on split_delim
bounded_split_delim [Netstring_str]
Splits into at most n substrings, based on split_delim
buffered_transactional_optype [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi]
byte_order_mark [Netconversion]
Returns the byte order mark that must occur at the beginning of files to indicate whether "little endian" or "big endian" is used.

call [Shell]
Starts the pipeline represented by the list of commands; i.e.
call [Shell_sys]
Executes the command and waits until the process terminates (synchronous execution a la system, but no intermediate shell).
call [Rpc_simple_client]
call simple_client procedure_name procedure_arg: Call the procedure with the given name and the given argument.
call_job [Shell_sys]
Starts the job (see run_job) and waits until it finishes (see finish_job); i.e.
callit [Rpc_portmapper]
callit pm_client program_spec proc_name argument: This is an alternate way of calling a remote procedure.
cgi_with_args [Netcgi_common]
cgi_with_args (new cgi) env out op ?put_arg in_chan constructs a Netcgi.cgi object.
channel_logger [Netplex_log]
char_of_option [Telnet_client]
Converts the option name to the character representing it on the octet-stream level.
chmod_shm [Netshm]
chown_shm [Netshm]
Set file permission bits, user and group ownership of the object
clear [Netbuffer]
Deletes all contents from the buffer.
clear [Unixqueue]
Terminate the whole group.
client_auth_method [Rpc_auth_sys]
Pass the result of this function to Rpc_client.set_auth_methods to configure client authentication.
client_auth_method [Rpc_auth_dh]
Creates a new authentication method using AUTH_DH.
client_socket [Uq_engines]
Returns the client socket contained in the connect_status
clone [Netcgi.Argument]
close [Netulex.ULB]
Sets ulb_eof of the unicode_lexbuf.
close [Netcgi_dbi.DBI_DRIVER]
close_connection_cache [Http_client]
Closes all descriptors known to the cache
close_shm [Netshm]
Closes the object.
closed [Netcgi_dbi.DBI_DRIVER]
cmd [Shell]
The same as command but with a slightly different interface: Use
 cmd "ls" [ "/dir/file" ] 
instead of
 command ~arguments:[|"/dir/file"|] "ls" 
command [Shell]
Creates a command descriptor, to be used in call.
command [Shell_sys]
Creates a command from the passed arguments:
command [Ftp_client.Action]
Execute the command
command_of_process [Shell_sys]
Returns the command that is now running as the process
comment [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
Returns the comment associated to the cookie or "" if it does not exists.
comment_url [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
Returns the comment URL associated to the cookie or "" if it does not exists.
commit [Netcgi_dbi.DBI_DRIVER]
common_url_syntax [Neturl]
Syntax descriptions for common URL schemes.
compose [Netsendmail]
Composes a mail message with a main text, and optionally a number of attachments.
config_filename [Netplex_main]
Returns the filename of the configuration file
configure [Rpc_client]
configure client retransmissions timeout: sets the number of retransmissions and the timeout for the next calls.
configure_job_handlers [Shell_sys]
Configures signal and at_exit handlers for jobs: The keyboard signals SIGINT and SIGQUIT are forwarded to all jobs which are running in the background (and thus are not automatically notified) and want to get such signals (forward_signals). After the signals have been forwarded, the previous signal action is performed., The signals SIGTERM and SIGHUP are (if the handler is installed) forwarded to all dependent processes (regardless whether they are running in their own Unix process group or not, and regardless of forward_signals). After the signals have been forwarded, the previous signal action is performed., The at_exit handler sends a SIGTERM to all dependent processes, too., the SIGCHLD handler calls watch_for_zombies. After this function is called, the previous signal action is performed; however if the previous action was Signal_ignore this is incorrectly interpreted as empty action (zombies are not avoided), The handler for SIGPIPE does nothing; note that a previous action is overwritten (the parameter is called set_sigpipe to stress this) Dependent processes are: For jobs with mode = Foreground or Background: the processes of the corresponding Unix process group, For jobs with mode = Same_as_caller: the actually started children processes Note that if an uncaught exception leads to program termination, this situation will not be detected; any running jobs will not be terminated (sorry, this cannot be fixed).
connect [Netcgi_dbi.DBI_DRIVER]
connector [Uq_engines]
This engine connects to a socket as specified by the connect_address, optionally using the proxy, and changes to the state `Done(status) when the connection is established.
constant_workload_manager_factory [Netplex_workload]
Reads a workload_manager section like
contents [Netbuffer]
Returns the contents of the buffer as fresh string.
convert [Netconversion]
Converts the string from in_enc to out_enc, and returns it.
copy_command [Shell_sys]
Returns a duplicate of the command description
copy_cursor [Netconversion]
Copies the cursor.
copy_env [Shell_sys]
Copies an environment
cots_connect [Rpc_xti_client]
The first parameter is the name of the TLI/XTI device.
create [Rpc_server]
Deprecated creation of an RPC server.
create [Rpc_portmapper]
Connects to the portmapper service listening on the given connector.
create [Rpc_simple_client]
Create a simple client that connects with the given server using the given protocol type.
create [Rpc_client]
Opens a connection to the server specified by the connector.
create [Rpc_program]
create program_nr version_nr type_system procedures
create [Rpc_key_service]
Connects to the keyserv daemon.
create [Netdate]
Convert the time (seconds since the epoch) to a date/time record
create [Netbuffer]
Creates a netbuffer which allocates initially this number of bytes.
create [Netplex_main]
Creates the command-line configuration object
create [Equeue]
Creates a new event system that has an event source, but is otherwise empty.
create2 [Rpc_server]
Creates a server according to the mode2 argument.
create2 [Rpc_client]
Creates a new style client.
create_address_list_tokens [Netsendmail]
Returns the list of s_tokens representing email addresses as structured value.
create_admin_container [Netplex_container]
Internally used.
create_aggressive_cache [Http_client]
This type of cache tries to keep connections as long open as possible.
create_boundary [Mimestring]
Creates a boundary string that can be used to separate multipart messages.
create_client [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
create_client2 [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
create_constant_workload_manager [Netplex_workload]
A constant number of threads is created (the int argument).
create_container [Netplex_container]
The container for normal services
create_controller [Netplex_controller]
create_cursor [Netconversion]
Creates a new cursor for the passed string and the passed encoding.
create_dynamic_workload_manager [Netplex_workload]
create_env [Shell_sys]
Creates an empty environment
create_inet [Rpc_portmapper]
Connects to a portmapper listening on an Internet port.
create_input_netbuffer [Netchannels]
Creates an input channel and a shutdown function for a netbuffer.
create_mime_scanner [Mimestring]
Creates a new mime_scanner scanning the passed string.
create_multiplex_controller_for_connected_socket [Uq_engines]
Creates a multiplex controller for a bidirectional socket (e.g.
create_multiplex_controller_for_datagram_socket [Uq_engines]
Creates a multiplex controller for datagram sockets (e.g.
create_portmapped_client [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
create_restrictive_cache [Http_client]
A restrictive cache closes connections as soon as there are no pending requests.
create_socket_service [Netplex_sockserv]
create_ssl_multiplex_controller [Uq_ssl]
Creates a multiplex controller for an SSL socket.
create_text_tokens [Netsendmail]
Returns the list of s_tokens representing an informal text as structured value.
create_unique_shm [Netshm]
Create a shared memory object under a name that is derived from the passed shm_name.
create_unix_event_system [Unixqueue]
Create a new, empty event system
ctermid [Netsys]
Returns the name of the controlling tty of the current process as pathname to a device file
current_env [Shell_sys]
Returns the environment of the current process as abstract environment value
cursor_at_end [Netconversion]
Returns whether the cursor is positioned past the last character.
cursor_blit [Netconversion]
cursor_blit cs ua pos len: Copies at most len characters as code points from the cursor position and the following positions to the array ua at index pos.
cursor_blit_maxlen [Netconversion]
Returns the maximum number of characters cursor_blit can copy at the current cursor position.
cursor_blit_positions [Netconversion]
Works like cursor_blit, but copies the byte positions of the characters into ua instead of the code points.
cursor_byte_length [Netconversion]
Returns the byte length of the representation of the character at the cursor.
cursor_char_count [Netconversion]
Returns the character count of the cursor.
cursor_encoding [Netconversion]
Returns the encoding of the cursor.
cursor_initial_rel_pos [Netconversion]
Returns the initial relative byte position of the cursor
cursor_pos [Netconversion]
Returns the byte position of the cursor, i.e.
cursor_range [Netconversion]
Returns the valid range of the cursor as pair (range_pos, range_len)
cursor_target [Netconversion]
Returns the string of the cursor

datagram_provider [Uq_engines]
This engine creates a datagram socket as demanded by the datagram_type, optionally using proxy for sending and receiving datagrams.
datagram_rpc_multiplex_controller [Rpc_transport]
The multiplex controller for datagrams
debug_containers [Netplex_log]
If set to true, the containers output when they are started and stopped, and when new connections are accepted.
debug_internals_log [Rpc_server]
debug_log [Unixqueue]
Outputs a message in the debug log (when enabled).
debug_rpc_internals [Rpc_netplex]
debug_rpc_service [Rpc_netplex]
These variables control debugging of Rpc_server.
debug_scheduling [Netplex_log]
If set to true, the controller and a few other components output a lot of debug messages, mostly scheduling-related.
debug_service_log [Rpc_server]
These are the two debug logging facilities.
decode [Nethtml]
Converts entities &name; and &#num; into the corresponding characters.
decode [Netencoding.Html]
The input string is recoded from in_enc to out_enc, and HTML entities (&name; or &#num;) are resolved.
decode [Netencoding.Url]
Option plus: Whether '+' is converted to space.
decode [Netencoding.Q]
decode [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable]
Decodes the string and returns it.
decode [Netencoding.Base64]
Decodes the given string argument.
decode_mime_body [Netmime]
let ch' = decode_mime_body hdr ch: According to the value of the Content-transfer-encoding header field in hdr the encoded MIME body written to ch' is decoded and transferred to ch.
decode_query [Nethttp]
Splits the URI into a "script name" and a "query string"
decode_to_latin1 [Netencoding.Html]
decrypt [Rpc_key_service]
This function is used if this program is a server and wants to check the identity of a contacting client.
default_config [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_env]
default_config [Netcgi]
The default configuration is: tmp_directory: one of /var/tmp, /tmp, C:\temp, current directory., tmp_prefix: "netcgi", permitted_http_methods: `GET, `HEAD, `POST., permitted_input_content_types: "multipart/form-data", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"., input_content_length_limit: maxint (i.e., no limit)., workarounds: all of them., default_exn_handler: set to true. To create a custom configuration, it is recommended to use this syntax:
      let custom_config = { default_config with tmp_prefix = "my_prefix" }
(This syntax is also robust w.r.t.
default_connect_options [Uq_engines]
Returns the default options
default_host [Nethttpd_services]
Creates a host record that matches any request.
default_listen_options [Uq_engines]
Returns the default options
default_socket_config [Rpc_server]
default_socket_config [Rpc_client]
Default configuration with non_blocking_connect = true
default_url [Neturl]
Adds missing components and returns the modified URL.
default_value [Netshm_array]
Returns the default value
delete [Netulex.ULB]
Deletes the number of characters from unicode_lexbuf.
delete [Netbuffer]
delete nb k n: Deletes the n bytes at position k of netbuffer nb in-place.
dest_fp4 [Rtypes]
dest_fp8 [Rtypes]
dest_int4 [Rtypes]
dest_int8 [Rtypes]
dest_uint4 [Rtypes]
dest_uint8 [Rtypes]
dest_<t> destroy integer values and returns the corresponding char tuples.
dest_url_encoded_parameters [Netencoding.Url]
The argument is the URL-encoded parameter string.
dest_xv_array [Xdr]
dest_xv_double [Xdr]
dest_xv_enum [Xdr]
dest_xv_enum_fast [Xdr]
dest_xv_float [Xdr]
dest_xv_hyper [Xdr]
dest_xv_int [Xdr]
dest_xv_opaque [Xdr]
dest_xv_string [Xdr]
dest_xv_struct [Xdr]
dest_xv_struct_fast [Xdr]
dest_xv_uhyper [Xdr]
dest_xv_uint [Xdr]
dest_xv_union_over_enum [Xdr]
dest_xv_union_over_enum_fast [Xdr]
dest_xv_union_over_int [Xdr]
dest_xv_union_over_uint [Xdr]
dest_xv_void [Xdr]
domain [Netcgi.Cookie]
The domain of the cookie, if set.
domain [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
domain_of_inet_addr [Netsys]
Returns the socket domain of Internet addresses, i.e.
domainname [Rpc_auth_dh]
Returns the NIS domain name.
dump [Rpc_portmapper]
returns the list of known mappings.
dump [Netshm]
dyn_command [Ftp_client.Action]
Execute the computed command
dynamic_service [Nethttpd_services]
Configures the dynamic service.
dynamic_workload_manager_factory [Netplex_workload]
Reads a workload_manager section like

empty [Ftp_client.Action]
Do nothing
encode [Nethtml]
Converts problematic characters to their corresponding entities.
encode [Netencoding.Html]
The input string that is encoded as in_enc is recoded to out_enc, and the following characters are encoded as HTML entity (&name; or &#num;): The ASCII characters contained in unsafe_chars, The characters that cannot be represented in out_enc. By default (out_enc=`Enc_usascii), only ASCII characters can be represented, and thus all code points >= 128 are encoded as HTML entities. If you pass out_enc=`Enc_utf8, all characters can be represented. For example, the string "(a<b) & (c>d)" is encoded as "(a&lt;b) &amp; (c&gt;d)".
encode [Netencoding.Url]
Option plus: Whether spaces are converted to '+'.
encode [Netencoding.Q]
Note: All characters except alphanumeric characters are protected by hex tokens.
encode [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable]
Encodes the string and returns it.
encode [Netencoding.Base64]
Compute the "base 64" encoding of the given string argument.
encode_from_latin1 [Netencoding.Html]
encode_mime_body [Netmime]
let ch' = encode_mime_body hdr ch: According to the value of the Content-transfer-encoding header field in hdr the unencoded MIME body written to ch' is encoded and transferred to ch.
encoding_of_string [Netconversion]
Returns the encoding of the name of the encoding.
encrypt [Rpc_key_service]
This function is used if this program is a client and wants to contact a server.
ensure_absolute_url [Neturl]
If the anonymous URL is absolute, it is just returned as result of this function.
event_system [Rpc_client]
Returns the unixqueue to which the client is attached
execute [Ftp_client.Action]
Executes the action for the given client PI.
exists_resource [Unixqueue]
Find out if a specific resource already exists (or better: is already watched by an operation).
exn_handler_default [Netcgi_common]
exn_handler_default env ~exn_handler ~finally run_cgi will basically execute exn_handler env run_cgi.
exn_log [Unixqueue]
Exceptions log: In event-based programming, it is sometimes not possible to handle exceptions appropriately.
expanded_xdr_type [Xdr]
expanded_xdr_type_term [Xdr]
expect [Ftp_client.Action]
If the execution of the action yields the passed state, continue normally, otherwise treat the situation as error
extract_config [Netplex_controller]
extract_url_scheme [Neturl]
Returns the URL scheme from the string representation of an URL.

factory [Netcgi_plex]
Reads a Netplex configuration section like
    processor {
      type = "netcgi";          (* or the overridden [name] *)
      timeout = 15;             (* optional *)
      mount_dir = "/url/path";  (* optional *)
      mount_at = "/url/path";   (* optional alternative to mount_dir *)
fcgi_processor [Netcgi_plex]
file_descr_of_int [Netsys]
Make a file descriptor from an integer
file_logger [Netplex_log]
Writes messages to this file
file_logger_factory [Netplex_log]
Reads a logging section like
file_service [Nethttpd_services]
Configures a file service
file_translator [Nethttpd_services]
Translates an URI path to a file name.
file_url_of_local_path [Neturl]
Generates a URL with "file" scheme from the passed path name.
find [Netshm_hashtbl]
find tbl key: Finds the current binding of key in tbl or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.
find [Netshm]
find tbl key: Finds the current binding of key in tbl or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.
find_all [Netshm_hashtbl]
find_all tbl key returns the list of all data associated with key in tbl.
find_all [Netshm]
find_all tbl key returns the list of all data associated with key in tbl.
find_pattern [Netaux.KMP]
finish_job [Shell_sys]
Waits until all of the processes of the job have terminated.
first_chars [Netstring_pcre]
Same as string_before
first_chars [Netstring_str]
Same as string_before
fix_MSIE_Content_type_bug [Netcgi_common]
fix_MSIE_Content_type_bug ct transforms the content-type string ct to fix the MSIE Content-Type bug.
fixup_url_string [Neturl]
Escapes some unsafe or "unwise" characters that are commonly used in URL strings: space, < > { } [ ] ^ \\ | and double quotes.
float_of_fp4 [Rtypes]
float_of_fp8 [Rtypes]
fold [Netshm_hashtbl]
fold f tbl init computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 init)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of all bindings in tbl, and d1 ... dN are the associated values.
fold [Netshm]
fold f tbl init computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 init)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of all bindings in tbl, and d1 ... dN are the associated values.
foreground [Netplex_main]
Returns whether the daemon runs in the foreground
format [Netdate]
Format a date/time record as a string
format_field_value [Netsendmail]
To put sval, an s_token list, into the header field name, call
format_to [Netdate]
Format a date/time record according to the format string and outputs the resulting string to the channel.
fp4_as_string [Rtypes]
fp4_of_float [Rtypes]
fp4_of_fp8 [Rtypes]
Note fp4_of_fp8: This conversion is not exact.
fp8_as_string [Rtypes]
fp8_of_float [Rtypes]
fp8_of_fp4 [Rtypes]
from_dev_null [Shell]
A producer taking the data from /dev/null.
from_fd [Shell]
Creates a producer taking the data from the file descriptor passed to this function.
from_file [Shell]
Creates a producer taking the data from the file whose name is passed to this function.
from_function [Shell]
Creates a producer taking the data from a function.
from_function [Netulex.ULB]
Creates a unicode_lexbuf to analyse strings of the passed encoding coming from the refill function.
from_in_obj_channel [Netulex.ULB]
Creates a unicode_lexbuf to analyse strings of the passed encoding coming from the object channel.
from_stream [Shell]
Creates a producer taking the data from a stream of strings.
from_stream [Shell_sys]
from_stream ?epipe s returns a function which can be used as producer argument for add_producer.
from_string [Shell]
Creates a producer taking the data from a string s.
from_string [Shell_sys]
from_string ?pos ?len ?epipe s returns a function which can be used as producer argument for add_producer.
from_string [Netulex.ULB]
Creates a unicode_lexbuf analysing the passed string encoded in the passed encoding.
from_string_inplace [Netulex.ULB]
Creates a unicode_lexbuf analysing the passed string encoded in the passed encoding.
from_ulb_lexbuf [Netulex.Ulexing]
Creates a new lexbuf from the unicode_lexbuf.
from_unicode [Netconversion]
Maps the Unicode code point to the corresponding code point of the charset, or raises Cannot_represent when there is no such corresponding code point.
ftp_state [Ftp_client.Action]
Returns the ftp_state at the beginning of the plan
full_seq2 [Ftp_client.Action]
Do the first action, then get the second action using the reply of the first action.
full_split [Netstring_pcre]
Like split_delim, but returns the delimiters in the result
full_split [Netstring_str]
Like split_delim, but returns the delimiters in the result

generate [Rpc_key_service]
Generates a new conversation key (a 64 bit random number)
get [Netbuffer]
get nb pos: Get the character at pos
get [Netshm_array]
get a k: Returns the contents of the array element number k where 0 <= k < length a.
get [Netcgi_dbi.DBI_POOL]
Example: module MyPool = DbiPool(Dbi_postgres)
get [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
Decode the cookie header, may they be version 0 or 1.
get_accept [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Accept header as list of triples (media_range, media_range_params, accept_params).
get_accept_charset [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Accept-charset header as list of pairs (charset,params).
get_accept_encoding [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Accept-encoding header as list of pairs (coding,params).
get_accept_language [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Accept-language header as list of pairs (lang_range,params).
get_accept_ranges [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Accept-ranges header as list of tokens.
get_age [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Age header as number
get_allow [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Allow header as list of tokens.
get_arguments [Shell_sys]
Returns the argument array of the command (skipping the command name)
get_assignments [Shell_sys]
Returns the list of assignments (fd_from,fd_to)
get_auth_method [Rpc_server]
Returns the method that was used to authenticate the user.
get_authorization [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Authorization header as pair (auth_scheme,auth_params), or raises Not_found if not present.
get_cache_control [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Cache-control header as list of tokens.
get_charset [Mimestring]
Return the decoded word (the contents of the word after decoding the "Q" or "B" representation), and the character set of the decoded word (uppercase).
get_chdir [Shell_sys]
Returns the chdir parameter of the command
get_cmdname [Shell_sys]
Returns the name of the command
get_column [Mimestring]
Return the column of the line where the token starts (first column is number 0)
get_column_of_scanner [Mimestring]
Return the current position, line, and column of a mime_scanner.
get_conn_peer_name [Rpc_server]
Return the address of the socket serving the connection, and the client socket, resp.
get_conn_socket_name [Rpc_server]
get_connection [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Connection header as list of tokens.
get_connection_id [Rpc_server]
Get the connection_id
get_content_encoding [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Content-encoding header as list of tokens.
get_content_language [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Content-language header as list of tokens.
get_content_length [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Content-length header as number.
get_content_location [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Content-location header as string.
get_content_md5 [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Content-MD5 header as string.
get_content_range [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Content-range header as `Bytes(byte_range_resp_spec, instance_length).
get_content_type [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Content-type header as pair (media_type, params).
get_cookie [Nethttp.Header]
Get the cookies as (name,value) pairs (or Not_found)
get_date [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Date header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
get_decoded_word [Mimestring]
get_descriptors [Shell_sys]
Returns the list of active descriptors
get_env [Shell_sys]
Gets the contents of the environment as string array
get_env_var [Shell_sys]
Returns the value of the variable in the environment
get_environment [Shell_sys]
Returns the designated environment of the command
get_etag [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Etag header.
get_event_system [Rpc_server]
Find out the event system that contains the 'session'
get_expect [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Expect header as list of triples (token,value,params).
get_expires [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Expires header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
get_filename [Shell_sys]
Returns the file name of the executable
get_from [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the From header as string.
get_from_unicode [Netmappings]
get_host [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Host header as pair (host,port).
get_if_match [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the If-match header.
get_if_modified_since [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the If-modified-since header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
get_if_none_match [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the If-none-match header.
get_if_range [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the If-range header.
get_if_unmodified_since [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the If-unmodified-since header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
get_language [Mimestring]
Returns the language if the token is an EncodedWord, and "" for all other tokens.
get_last_modified [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Last-modified header as number (seconds since the Epoch).
get_length [Mimestring]
Return the length of the token in bytes
get_line [Mimestring]
Return the line number where the token starts (numbering begins usually with 1)
get_line_of_scanner [Mimestring]
get_location [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Location header as string.
get_main_socket_name [Rpc_server]
Returns the address of the server socket, or the address of the bidirectional pipe.
get_max_forwards [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Max-forwards header as number.
get_peer_credentials [Rpc_auth_local]
Return the pair (euid,egid) for a Unix domain socket.
get_peer_name [Rpc_server]
Return the address of the socket serving the session, and the client socket, resp.
get_peer_name [Rpc_client]
Return the addresses of the client socket and the server socket, resp.
get_pos [Mimestring]
Return the byte position where the token starts in the string (the first byte has position 0)
get_pos_of_scanner [Mimestring]
get_pragma [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Pragma header as list of pairs (token,value).
get_protocol [Rpc_server]
Return whether Tcp or Udp
get_protocol [Rpc_client]
Get the protocol flavour
get_proxy_authenticate [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Proxy-authenticate header as list of challenges (auth_scheme,auth_params).
get_proxy_authorization [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Proxy-authorization header as pair (auth_scheme,auth_params).
get_range [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Range header as `Bytes ranges, where the list ranges has elements of the form (Some first_pos, Some last_pos), (Some first_pos, None) (prefix range), or (None, Some last_pos) (suffix range).
get_referer [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Referer header as string.
get_referrer [Nethttp.Header]
Same, for addicts of correct orthography
get_retry_after [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Retry-after header.
get_sender_of_last_response [Rpc_client]
Return the address of the sender of the last received response.
get_server [Rpc_server]
Returns the server instance of the session
get_server [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Server header as uninterpreted string (including comments).
get_socket_name [Rpc_server]
get_socket_name [Rpc_client]
get_srv_event_system [Rpc_server]
Returns the event system
get_te [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the TE header as list of triples (te_token, te_params, accept_params).
get_to_unicode [Netmappings]
get_token [Mimestring]
Return the s_token within the s_extended_token
get_trailer [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Trailer header as list of field names.
get_transfer_encoding [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Transfer-encoding header as list of pairs (token, params).
get_upgrade [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Upgrade header as list of products.
get_user [Rpc_server]
Returns the user name as returned by the authentication method.
get_user_agent [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the User-agent header as uninterpreted string (including comments).
get_vary [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the Vary header.
get_www_authenticate [Nethttp.Header]
Returns the WWW-Authenticate header as list of challenges (auth_scheme,auth_params).
get_xid [Rpc_server]
Returns the session ID.
getpgid [Netsys]
Return the process group ID of the process with the passed PID.
getpgrp [Netsys]
Same as getpgid 0, i.e.
getport [Rpc_portmapper]
getport pm_client program_nr version_nr protocol: finds out the port where the given service runs.
getsid [Netsys]
Returns the session ID of the process with the passed PID.
global_replace [Netstring_pcre]
global_replace re templ s: Replaces all matchings of re in s by templ.
global_replace [Netstring_str]
global_replace re templ s: Replaces all matchings of re in s by templ.
global_substitute [Netstring_pcre]
global_substitute re subst s: Applies the substitution function subst to all matchings of re in s, and returns the transformed string.
global_substitute [Netstring_str]
global_substitute re subst s: Applies the substitution function subst to all matchings of re in s, and returns the transformed string.
group [Netshm]
Execute a sequence of operations in a group:
group_beginning [Netstring_pcre]
Returns the position where the substring matching the nth group begins
group_beginning [Netstring_str]
Returns the position where the substring matching the nth group begins
group_end [Netstring_pcre]
Returns the position where the substring matching the nth group ends
group_end [Netstring_str]
Returns the position where the substring matching the nth group ends

handle_request [Netcgi_fcgi]
handle_request config output_type arg_store eh f ~max_conns ~log fd: This is a lower-level interface that processes exactly one request arriving on the existing connection fd.
handle_request [Netcgi_scgi]
handle_request config output_type arg_store eh f ~log fd: This is a lower-level interface that processes exactly one request arriving on the existing connection fd.
handle_request [Netcgi_ajp]
handle_request config output_type arg_store eh f ~log fd: This is a lower-level interface that processes exactly one request arriving on the existing connection fd.
have_posix_shm [Netsys]
Returns whether the OS supports POSIX shared memory
host_distributor [Nethttpd_services]
Configures virtual hosting
html40_dtd [Nethtml]
The (transitional) HTML 4.0 DTD, expressed as simplified_dtd
http_delete [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "DELETE" request with the given URL and returns the response body.
http_delete_message [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "DELETE" request with the given URL and returns the reply.
http_get [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "GET" request with the given URL and returns the message body
http_get_message [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "GET" request with the given URL and returns the message
http_head_message [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "HEAD" request with the given URL and returns the reply.
http_password [Http_client.Convenience]
The default password if authentication is required
http_post [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "POST" request with the given URL and returns the response body.
http_post_message [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "POST" request with the given URL and returns the reply.
http_put [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "PUT" request with the given URL and returns the response body.
http_put_message [Http_client.Convenience]
Does a "PUT" request with the given URL and returns the reply.
http_status_of_int [Nethttp]
Returns the status value for an integer code, or raises Not_found
http_trials [Http_client.Convenience]
number of times every request is tried.
http_user [Http_client.Convenience]
The default user if authentication is required
http_verbose [Http_client.Convenience]
Turns on debug messages on stderr.

index_from [Netbuffer]
index_from nb k c: Searches the character c in the netbuffer beginning at position k.
init_mt [Netmappings]
insert_char [Netbuffer]
insert_char nb p c: Inserts character c at position p into the netbuffer nb
insert_string [Netbuffer]
insert_string nb p s: Inserts the value of string s at position p into the netbuffer nb
insert_sub_string [Netbuffer]
insert_string nb p s k n: Inserts a substring of string s at position p into the netbuffer nb.
install_job_handlers [Shell_sys]
Installs handlers as configured before.
int32_array_manager [Netshm_data]
The identity representation manager
int32_manager [Netshm_data]
Represents an int32 as one-element int32_array
int32_of_int4 [Rtypes]
int32_of_int8 [Rtypes]
int32_of_uint4 [Rtypes]
int32_of_uint8 [Rtypes]
int4_as_string [Rtypes]
int4_of_int [Rtypes]
int4_of_int32 [Rtypes]
int4_of_int64 [Rtypes]
int64_manager [Netshm_data]
Represents an int64 as two-element int32_array
int64_of_int4 [Rtypes]
int64_of_int8 [Rtypes]
int64_of_uint4 [Rtypes]
int64_of_uint8 [Rtypes]
int8_as_string [Rtypes]
int8_of_int [Rtypes]
int8_of_int32 [Rtypes]
int8_of_int64 [Rtypes]
int_blit [Netaux.ArrayAux]
A specialisation of Array.blit for int arrays.
int_manager [Netshm_data]
Uses either int32_manager or int64_manager to represent int, depending on the size of int.
int_of_file_descr [Netsys]
Return the file descriptor as integer
int_of_http_status [Nethttp]
Returns the integer code for a status value
int_of_int4 [Rtypes]
int_of_int8 [Rtypes]
int_of_uint4 [Rtypes]
int_of_uint8 [Rtypes]
int_series [Netaux.ArrayAux]
int_series src srcpos dst dstpos len n: Computes for every i, 0 <= i < len: dst.(dstpos+i) = n + SUM(j=0..(i-1): src.(srcpos+j))
ip_url_syntax [Neturl]
Syntax for IP based protocols.
ipproto_tcp [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
ipproto_udp [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
is_MSIE [Netcgi_common]
is_MSIE user_agent tells whether the user_agent is Microsoft Internet Explorer.
is_ascii_compatible [Netconversion]
"ASCII compatible" means: The bytes 1 to 127 represent the ASCII codes 1 to 127, and no other representation of a character contains the bytes 1 to 127.
is_cgi [Netcgi_cgi]
is_cgi says whether the script is run in a CGI environment.
is_executable [Shell_sys]
Returns true if there is an executable file for the command, and it is permitted to run this file (as stated by the file permissions).
is_prefix [Netcgi_common]
is_prefix pre s checks whether pre is a prefix of s.
is_running [Unixqueue]
Whether the event loop is running
is_running [Equeue]
Returns whether the event loop is active
is_single_byte [Netconversion]
Returns whether the encoding is a single-byte encoding
iter [Netshm_hashtbl]
iter f tbl applies f to all bindings in table tbl.
iter [Netshm]
iter f tbl applies f to all bindings in table tbl.
iter_env [Shell_sys]
Iterates over the strings of the environment, and calls f s for every string s.
iter_env_vars [Shell_sys]
Iterates over the variables of the environment, and calls f name value for every variable with name and value.
iter_job_instances [Shell_sys]
Iterates over the jobs in the list of active jobs and calls f for every job_instance.
iter_keys [Netshm_hashtbl]
iter_keys f tbl applies f to all keys in table tbl.
iter_keys [Netshm]
iter_keys f tbl applies f to all keys in table tbl.

job_status [Shell_sys]
Returns the status.
join_path [Neturl]
Concatenates the path components (reverse function of split_path).

keyserv_connector [Rpc_xti_client]
Returns a connector that can be used to call the keyserv daemon.
kill [Shell_sys]
Sends a signal to the passed process.
kill_process_group [Shell_sys]
Kills the process group if it is still (at least partially) running.
kill_processes [Shell_sys]
Kills the individual processes of the job which are still running.

last_chars [Netstring_pcre]
Same as string_after
last_chars [Netstring_str]
Same as string_after
left_pair_manager [Netshm_data]
Uses the same representation as pair_manager, but the resulting data manager only reads the left value of the pair.
length [Netbuffer]
Returns the logical length of the buffer
length [Netshm_array]
Returns the length of the array
length [Netshm_hashtbl]
length tbl returns the number of bindings in tbl.
length [Netshm]
length tbl returns the number of bindings in tbl.
length_of_packed_value [Rpc_packer]
level_of_string [Netplex_log]
level_weight [Netplex_log]
lexbuf_of_in_obj_channel [Netchannels]
Creates a lexical buffer from an input channel.
lexeme [Netulex.Ulexing]
Returns the lexeme as array of Unicode code points
lexeme_char [Netulex.Ulexing]
Returns the code point of a certain character of the lexeme
lexeme_end [Netulex.Ulexing]
The character position of the end of the lexeme
lexeme_length [Netulex.Ulexing]
The length of the lexeme in characters
lexeme_start [Netulex.Ulexing]
The character position of the start of the lexeme
lift_in [Netchannels]
Turns a rec_in_channel or raw_in_channel, depending on the passed variant, into a full in_obj_channel object.
lift_out [Netchannels]
Turns a rec_out_channel or raw_out_channel, depending on the passed variant, into a full out_obj_channel object.
linear_distributor [Nethttpd_services]
Configures linear distribution
listener [Uq_engines]
This engine creates a server socket listening on the listen_address.
local_path_of_file_url [Neturl]
Extracts the path from an absolute file URL, and returns a correct path name.
localzone [Netdate]
The offset in minutes for the local time zone from the UTC
lock [Netmappings]
log [Netplex_cenv]
Writes a log message
logf [Netplex_cenv]
Writes a log message like printf
logger_factories [Netplex_log]
All built-in logger factories
logical_int32_of_uint4 [Rtypes]
logical_int64_of_uint8 [Rtypes]
logical_uint4_of_int32 [Rtypes]
logical_uint8_of_int64 [Rtypes]
lookup_executable [Shell_sys]
Searches an executable file.

make [Netcgi.Cookie]
make ?expires ?domain ?path ?secure name value creates a new cookie with name name holding value.
make [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
make_pattern [Netaux.KMP]
make_temporary_file [Netchannels]
Creates a temporary file in the directory tmp_directory with a name prefix tmp_prefix and a unique suffix.
make_url [Neturl]
Creates a URL from components:
makechar [Netconversion]
makechar enc i: Creates the string representing the Unicode code point i in encoding enc.
manage [Netshm_array]
Manages a shared memory object as an array, including the representation of arbitrary O'Caml values.
manage [Netshm_hashtbl]
Manages a shared memory object as a hash table like Netshm.manage, and additionally represent arbitrary O'Caml values.
manage [Netshm]
Starts managing an open shared memory object as shm_table.
map_list [Nethtml]
map_list f doclst: Applies f to all attribute values and data strings (except the attributes of "?", "!", or "--" nodes).
map_xv_enum_fast [Xdr]
Works for both XV_enum and XV_enum_fast
map_xv_struct_fast [Xdr]
Works for both XV_struct and XV_struct_fast
map_xv_union_over_enum_fast [Xdr]
Works for both XV_union_over_enum and XV_union_over_enum_fast.
match_beginning [Netstring_pcre]
Returns the position where the matched part begins
match_beginning [Netstring_str]
Returns the position where the matched part begins
match_end [Netstring_pcre]
Returns the position where the matched part ends
match_end [Netstring_str]
Returns the position where the matched part ends
matched_group [Netstring_pcre]
Extracts the substring the nth group matches from the whole string.
matched_group [Netstring_str]
Extracts the substring the nth group matches from the whole string.
matched_string [Netstring_pcre]
Extracts the matched part from the string.
matched_string [Netstring_str]
Extracts the matched part from the string.
max_age [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
The expiration time of the cookie, in seconds.
mem [Netshm_hashtbl]
mem tbl key checks if key is bound in tbl.
mem [Netshm]
mem tbl key checks if key is bound in tbl.
memory [Netshm]
method_distributor [Nethttpd_services]
Configures method distribution
mime [Netcgi.Argument]
mime_arg ?name msg creates a MIME-structured CGI argument called name with contents msg.
mk_fp4 [Rtypes]
mk_fp8 [Rtypes]
mk_int4 [Rtypes]
mk_int8 [Rtypes]
mk_mail_date [Netdate]
Convert the time (seconds since the epoch) to a date string that conforms to RFC 1123 (which updates RFC 822).
mk_param [Mimestring]
Creates a parameter from a value (in decoded form).
mk_uint4 [Rtypes]
mk_uint8 [Rtypes]
mk_<t> create integer values from character tuples.
mk_url_encoded_parameters [Netencoding.Url]
The argument is a list of (name,value) pairs.
mk_usenet_date [Netdate]
Convert the time (seconds since the epoch) to a date string that conforms to RFC 1036 (which obsoletes RFC 850).
modify_url [Neturl]
Modifies the passed components and returns the modified URL.
move [Netconversion]
Moves the cursor one character to the right, or if num is passed, this number of characters to the right.
mp [Netplex_mp]
Uses Unix.fork to create new threads
mt [Netplex_mt]
Uses Thread.create to create new threads
multi_file_logger [Netplex_log]
multi_file_logger_factory [Netplex_log]
Reads a logging section like

name [Netcgi.Cookie]
The name of the cookie.
name [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
name_of_shm [Netshm]
Returns the name of an object
nativeint_manager [Netshm_data]
Uses either int32_manager or int64_manager to represent nativeint, depending on the size of nativeint.
net_get [Rpc_key_service]
nethttpd_factory [Nethttpd_plex]
Reads a configuration section like
    processor {
      type = "nethttpd";
      timeout = 300.0;
      timeout_next_request = 15.0;
      host {
        pref_name = "myhost";     (* optional *)
        pref_port = 80;           (* optional *)
        names = "myhost:80 yourhost:81";  (* use *:0 for any name *)
        uri {
          path = "/the/path";
          method {
            allow = "GET POST";
            (* or: deny = "..." *)
            service {
              type = "...";
        uri {
      host {
nethttpd_processor [Nethttpd_plex]
netplex_processor mk_config http_service: Creates a Netplex processor for Nethttpd.
new_group [Unixqueue]
Create a new, empty group for the event system
new_job [Shell_sys]
Creates a new job descriptor.
new_wait_id [Unixqueue]
Create a new unique wait identifier
norm_path [Neturl]
Removes "." and ".." from the path if possible.
nth [Netbuffer]
Alias for get
null [Rpc_portmapper]
Calls the 'NULL' procedure of the portmapper.
null_url [Neturl]
A URL without any component and null_url_syntax
null_url_syntax [Neturl]
An URL syntax that recognizes nothing.

of_compat_activation [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types]
Portage: of_compat_activation converts an old style cgi_activation to a new CGI-like object.
of_compat_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types]
Portage: of_compat_argument a converts an old style argument a to a new style one.
of_compat_config [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_env]
Portage: of_compat_config c transform the old configuration c into one suitable for the new interface.
of_compat_environment [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_env]
Portage: of_compat_environment e converts the old environment e to the new interface.
of_record [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
Conversion from the deprecated style of cookie.
once [Unixqueue]
Arranges that the callback function is called once after the passed period of time (the float argument) has elapsed.
open_shm [Netshm]
Opens the shared memory object.
option_manager [Netshm_data]
Creates a data manager from an input data manager for optional values
option_of_char [Telnet_client]
Converts a character representing an option to the internal option name.
options_service [Nethttpd_services]
This service responds to "OPTIONS *" requests, and nothing else
output_file_response [Nethttpd_types]
Outputs the contents of a file as response body, together with the given status and the header (optional).
output_static_response [Nethttpd_types]
Outputs the string argument as response body, together with the given status and the header (optional).
output_std_response [Nethttpd_types]
Outputs a "standard response" for the http_status.

pack_accepting_reply [Rpc_packer]
pack_call [Rpc_packer]
pack_rejecting_reply [Rpc_packer]
pack_successful_reply [Rpc_packer]
pack_xdr_value [Xdr]
pack_xdr_value_as_string [Xdr]
rm: If true, four null bytes are prepended to the string for the record mark
packed_value_of_string [Rpc_packer]
pair_manager [Netshm_data]
Creates a compound manager for pairs from two input managers
param_charset [Mimestring]
param_language [Mimestring]
Return the decoded value of the parameter, the charset (uppercase), and the language.
param_tokens [Mimestring]
Formats a parameter list.
param_value [Mimestring]
parse [Nethtml]
Parses the HTML document from an object channel and returns it.
parse [Netdate]
Parse a string and return a date/time record
parse [Netaddress]
Parse a list of addresses in string representation, and return them as list of mailboxes or groups.
parse_document [Nethtml]
Parses the HTML document from a lexbuf and returns it.
parse_epoch [Netdate]
Parse a string and return the time (seconds since the epoch
parse_url [Neturl]
Parses the string and returns the URL the string represents.
parse_user_name [Rpc_auth_sys]
Parses a user name as returned by Rpc_server.get_user in conjunction with the AUTH_SYS authentication and `Full formatting.
partial_url_syntax [Neturl]
Transforms the syntax into another syntax where all required parts are changed into optional parts.
path [Netcgi.Cookie]
The path of the cookie, if set.
path [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
peek_auth_error [Rpc_packer]
peek_peer_credentials [Rpc_auth_local]
Peeks at the next message and returns the pair (euid,egid) for a Unix domain socket.
peek_xid [Rpc_packer]
pidfile [Netplex_main]
Returns the location of the PID file (if any)
ping [Netcgi_dbi.DBI_DRIVER]
pmap_port [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
pmapproc_callit [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_callit'async [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_dump [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_dump'async [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_getport [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_getport'async [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_null [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_null'async [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_set [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_set'async [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_unset [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
pmapproc_unset'async [Rpc_portmapper_clnt.PMAP.V2]
port_of_program [Rpc_portmapper]
port_of_program program host protocol: queries the portmapper running on host for the program registered for protocol.
ports [Netcgi.Cookie]
port c the ports to which the cookie may be returned or [] if not set.
ports [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
postprocess_job [Shell]
Looks at the error codes of the job, and raises Subprocess_error when there is an error that cannot be ignored.
print_buffer [Netbuffer]
For the toploop
print_in_obj_stream [Netstream]
A top-loop printer for streams
print_s_param [Mimestring]
Prints a parameter to the formatter (as toploop printer)
print_url [Neturl]
Printer for the toploop.
procedure_number [Rpc_program]
procedure_number p name returns only the procedure number of the procedure called name.
process_connection [Nethttpd_engine]
Sets up an engine that processes all requests using the service description.
process_connection [Nethttpd_reactor]
Processes all HTTP requests in turn arriving at the file descriptor, and calls the service provider for every request.
process_group_expects_signals [Shell_sys]
true iff the group has mode=Background and forward_signals.
process_group_id [Shell_sys]
Returns the Unix ID of the process group as number > 1.
process_group_leader [Shell_sys]
Returns the process group leader process.
process_id [Shell_sys]
Returns the process ID of the process
processes [Shell_sys]
Returns the processes that have actually been started for this job by run_job; note that the corresponding Unix process group may have additional processes (e.g.
program [Rpc_client]
Returns the program the client represents
program_PMAP'V2 [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
program_number [Rpc_program]
Return the program number
props_of_file [Netcgi_ajp]
props_of_file fname parses the property file fname and returns it as an associative list.
protocol_of_string [Nethttp]
Parses the protocol string, e.g.
put_string [Netbuffer]
put_string nb pos s: Copies the string s to the position pos of netbuffer nb

quote [Netstring_pcre]
Quotes a string such that it can be included in a regexp
quote [Netstring_str]
Quotes a string such that it can be included in a regexp

read_blocks [Netshm]
find_blocks tbl key f: The values may be stored in several disk blocks.
read_config_file [Netplex_config]
read_header [Mimestring]
This function expects that the current position of the passed in_obj_stream is the first byte of the header.
read_int4 [Rtypes]
read_int8 [Rtypes]
read_media_types_file [Nethttpd_services]
Reads a text file with two columns where the left column is the media type and the right column the corresponding suffix.
read_mime_header [Netmime]
Decodes the MIME header that begins at the current position of the netstream, and returns the header as class basic_mime_header.
read_mime_message [Netmime]
Decodes the MIME message that begins at the current position of the passed netstream.
read_multipart_body [Mimestring]
This is the "next generation" multipart message parser.
read_netplex_config [Netplex_config]
Reads a configuration file like:
read_uint4 [Rtypes]
read_uint8 [Rtypes]
read_<t> create integer values from the characters found at a certain position in the string.
really_read [Netsys]
really_read fd s pos len: Reads exactly len bytes from fd and stores them in s starting at pos.
really_write [Netsys]
really_write fd s pos len: Writes exactly the len bytes from s to fd starting at pos.
recode [Netconversion]
Converts the character sequence contained in the at most in_len bytes of in_buf starting at byte position in_pos, and writes the result into at most out_len bytes of out_buf starting at byte position out_pos.
recode_string [Netconversion]
Recodes a complete string from in_enc to out_enc, and returns it.
refill [Netulex.ULB]
Tries to add characters to the unicode_lexbuf by calling the ulb_refill function.
regexp [Netstring_pcre]
Parses a regexp
regexp [Netstring_str]
Parses a regexp
regexp_case_fold [Netstring_pcre]
Parses a case-insensitive regexp
regexp_case_fold [Netstring_str]
Parses a case-insensitive regexp
regexp_string [Netstring_pcre]
Returns a regexp that matches exactly the string
regexp_string [Netstring_str]
Returns a regexp that matches exactly the string
regexp_string_case_fold [Netstring_pcre]
Returns a case-insensitive regexp that matches exactly the string
regexp_string_case_fold [Netstring_str]
Returns a case-insensitive regexp that matches exactly the string
register_job [Shell_sys]
Registers the job at the passed system_handler.
reinit_cursor [Netconversion]
Reuses an existing cursor for a new purpose.
relaxed_html40_dtd [Nethtml]
A relaxed version of the HTML 4.0 DTD that matches better common practice.
remote_time [Rpc_time]
Returns the time of the passed server in seconds since the epoch.
remove [Netshm_hashtbl]
remove tbl key removes the current binding of key in tbl, restoring the previous binding if it exists.
remove [Netshm]
remove tbl key removes the current binding of key in tbl, restoring the previous binding if it exists.
remove_from_url [Neturl]
Removes the true components from the URL, and returns the modified URL.
remove_resource [Unixqueue]
Removes the operation from the watch list of the group.
replace [Netshm_hashtbl]
replace tbl key value replaces the current binding of key in tbl by a binding of key to value.
replace [Netshm]
replace tbl key value replaces the current binding of key in tbl by a binding of key to value.
replace_first [Netstring_pcre]
replace_first re templ s: Replaces the first match of re in s by templ.
replace_first [Netstring_str]
replace_first re templ s: Replaces the first match of re in s by templ.
reply [Rpc_server]
Asynchronous procedures can reply their results with this function.
reply_error [Rpc_server]
Like reply, but an error condition is sent back to the caller.
reset [Netbuffer]
Empty the buffer, deallocate the internal string, and replace it with a new string of length n that was allocated by Netbuffer.create n.
resize [Netshm_array]
resize a n: Resizes the array to length n.
resp_100_continue [Nethttpd_kernel]
The predefined token for the "100 Continue" response
restart [Netsys]
restart f arg calls f arg, and restarts this call if the exception Unix_error(EINTR,_,_) is caught.
restarting_select [Netsys]
A wrapper around that handles the EINTR condition
rev_split [Netcgi_common]
split_rev is_delim s split s at each character is_delim and returns the list of substrings in reverse order.
rm_htspace [Netcgi_common]
rm_htspace is_space s low up returns the substring s.[low .. up - 1] stripped of possible heading and trailing spaces identified by the function is_space.
rm_string_of_packed_value [Rpc_packer]
rollback [Netcgi_dbi.DBI_DRIVER]
rpc_factory [Rpc_netplex]
A factory for TCP-based RPC servers.
run [Shell_sys]
Executes the command concurrently with the current process.
run [Netcgi_test]
run [Netcgi_fcgi]
run f register the function f as a main function of the script.
run [Netcgi_cgi]
run f executes f cgi for each cgi request.
run [Netcgi_scgi]
run f executes f cgi for each SCGI request.
run [Netcgi_ajp]
run f executes f cgi for each AJP request.
run [Unixqueue]
Starts the event loop.
run [Equeue]
Running a system means that, unless the queue is empty, the events at the time of the run invocation and all later added events are gone through.
run_job [Shell_sys]
Invokes the commands of the job such that they run concurrently with the main process.

same_encoding [Netconversion]
Whether both encodings are the same.
scan_encoded_text_value [Mimestring]
Scans a "text" value.
scan_header [Mimestring]
let params, header_end_pos = scan_header s start_pos end_pos:
scan_mime_type [Mimestring]
let name, params = scan_mime_type s options: Scans MIME types like text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 The name of the type and the names of the parameters are converted to lower case.
scan_mime_type_ep [Mimestring]
let name, params = scan_mime_type_ep s options: This version copes with RFC-2231-encoded parameters.
scan_multipart_body [Mimestring]
let [params1, value1; params2, value2; ...] = scan_multipart_body s start_pos end_pos boundary:
scan_multipart_body_and_decode [Mimestring]
Same as scan_multipart_body, but decodes the bodies of the parts if they are encoded using the methods "base64" or "quoted printable".
scan_multipart_body_from_netstream [Mimestring]
scan_multipart_body_from_netstream s boundary create add stop:
scan_structured_value [Mimestring]
This function is included for backwards compatibility, and for all cases not requiring extended tokens.
scan_token [Mimestring]
Returns the next token, or End if there is no more token.
scan_token_list [Mimestring]
Returns all following tokens as a list (excluding End)
scan_value_with_parameters [Mimestring]
let name, params = scan_value_with_parameters s options: Scans values with annotations like name ; p1=v1 ; p2=v2 ; ... For example, MIME types like "text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1" can be parsed.
scan_value_with_parameters_ep [Mimestring]
let name, params = scan_value_with_parameters_ep s options: This version of the scanner copes with encoded parameters according to RFC 2231.
scgi_processor [Netcgi_plex]
search_backward [Netstring_pcre]
Searches a match of the string with the regexp, starting at the position and in backward direction.
search_backward [Netstring_str]
Searches a match of the string with the regexp, starting at the position and in backward direction.
search_forward [Netstring_pcre]
Searches a match of the string with the regexp, starting at the position and in forward direction.
search_forward [Netstring_str]
Searches a match of the string with the regexp, starting at the position and in forward direction.
secure [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
Tells whether the cookie is secure.
self_cont [Netplex_cenv]
Returns the container running the code of the caller
send_file_response [Nethttpd_kernel]
Sends the contents of a file as response body, together with the given status and the header (optional).
send_static_response [Nethttpd_kernel]
Sends the string argument as response body, together with the given status and the header (optional).
sendmail [Netsendmail]
Sends the passed message.
separates_adjacent_encoded_words [Mimestring]
True iff the current token is white space (i.e.
seq [Ftp_client.Action]
Do the list of actions in turn
seq2 [Ftp_client.Action]
Do the two actions in turn
seq2_case [Ftp_client.Action]
Do the first action, then check the resulting command state.
server_auth_method [Rpc_auth_sys]
Pass the result of this function to Rpc_server.set_auth_methods to configure authentication.
server_auth_method [Rpc_auth_local]
Return the authentication method AUTH_LOCAL.
server_auth_method [Rpc_auth_dh]
Pass the result of this function to Rpc_server.set_auth_methods to configure AUTH_DH for an RPC server.
set [Rpc_portmapper]
set pm_client program_nr version_nr protocol port_nr: Extends the mapping managed by the portmapper: The triple (program_nr, version_nr, protocol) is mapped to the given port_nr.
set [Netbuffer]
set nb pos c: Sets the character at pos to c
set [Netshm_array]
set a k x: Sets the contents of the array element number k to x where 0 <= k < length a.
set [Netcgi.Argument]
set new_args args creates a list of argument from args deleting the arguments whose name appears in new_args and adding the new_args arguments.
set [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set http_header cookies sets the cookies in http_header using version 0 or version 1 depending on whether version 1 fields are used.
set_accept [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Accept header
set_accept_charset [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Accept-charset header
set_accept_encoding [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Accept-encoding header
set_accept_language [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Accept-language header
set_accept_ranges [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Accept-ranges header
set_age [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Age header
set_allow [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Allow header
set_arguments [Shell_sys]
Sets the argument array
set_assignments [Shell_sys]
Sets the list of assignments (fd_from,fd_to)
set_auth_methods [Rpc_server]
Sets the available authentication methods.
set_auth_methods [Rpc_client]
Set the authentication methods for this client.
set_authorization [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Authorization header.
set_cache_control [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Cache-control header
set_chdir [Shell_sys]
Sets the chdir parameter of the command
set_cmdname [Shell_sys]
Sets the command name
set_comment [Netcgi.Cookie]
set_comment c s sets the comment of the cookie c to s which must be UTF-8 encoded (RFC 2279).
set_comment [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_comment_url [Netcgi.Cookie]
set_comment_url c url same as Netcgi.Cookie.set_comment except that the cookie comment is available on the page pointed by url.
set_comment_url [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_connection [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Connection header
set_content_encoding [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Content-encoding header
set_content_language [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Content-language header
set_content_length [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Content-length header
set_content_location [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Content-location header
set_content_md5 [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Content-MD5 header
set_content_range [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Content-range header
set_content_type [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Content-type header
set_cookie [Nethttp.Header]
Set the Cookie header.
set_date [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Date header
set_debug_mode [Unixqueue]
Whether to output debug messages.
set_debug_mode [Equeue]
Enables or disables debug mode.
set_descriptors [Shell_sys]
Sets the list of active descriptors
set_dgram_destination [Rpc_client]
set_dgram_destination client addr_opt: This function is required for using the client in conjunction with unconnected UDP sockets.
set_domain [Netcgi.Cookie]
Cookies are bound to a certain domain, i.e.
set_domain [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_encoding [Netulex.ULB]
Sets the encoding to the passed value.
set_env [Shell_sys]
Sets the contents of the environment to the passed string array
set_env_var [Shell_sys]
set_env_var env varname varval: Sets the value of the variable varname in the environment env to varval.
set_environment [Shell_sys]
Sets the environment
set_etag [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Etag header
set_exception_handler [Rpc_server]
Sets the exception handler for the server.
set_exception_handler [Rpc_client]
sets an exception handler (the default prints the exception to stderr).
set_expect [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Expect header
set_expires [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Expires header
set_filename [Shell_sys]
Sets the file name of the executable to start
set_from [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the From header
set_host [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Host header
set_if_match [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the If-match header
set_if_modified_since [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the If-modified-since header
set_if_none_match [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the If-none-match header
set_if_range [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the If-range header
set_if_unmodified_since [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the If-unmodified-since header
set_last_modified [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Last-modified header
set_location [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Location header
set_max_age [Netcgi.Cookie]
set_max_age c (Some t) sets the lifetime of the cookie c to t seconds.
set_max_age [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_max_forwards [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Max-forwards header
set_onclose_action [Rpc_server]
Every time a connection is closed, the onclose function is called with the closed connection.
set_path [Netcgi.Cookie]
Cookies are also bound to certain path prefixes, i.e.
set_path [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_ports [Netcgi.Cookie]
set ports c (Some p) says that the cookie c must only be returned if the server request comes from one of the listed ports.
set_ports [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_pragma [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Pragma header
set_proxy_authenticate [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Proxy-authenticate header
set_proxy_authorization [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Proxy-authorization header The "Basic" authentication scheme is represented as explained for get_proxy_authorization.
set_range [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Range header
set_referer [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Referer header
set_referrer [Nethttp.Header]
Same, for addicts of correct orthography
set_retry_after [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Retry-after header
set_secure [Netcgi.Cookie]
Cookies are also bound to the type of the web server: set_secure false means servers without SSL, set_secure true means servers with activated SSL ("https").
set_secure [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_server [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Server header
set_session_filter [Rpc_server]
If set, the filter function is invoked every time the beginning of a new RPC call is received, and the result of the filter function determines what to do with the call:
set_session_filter_2 [Rpc_server]
Same as set_session_filter, but the filter gets as second argument the connection ID.
set_set_cookie [Nethttp.Header]
Set the Set-Cookie header
set_te [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the TE header
set_timeout [Rpc_server]
Sets the timeout for the transport.
set_trailer [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Trailer header
set_transfer_encoding [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Transfer-encoding header
set_upgrade [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Upgrade header
set_user_agent [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the User-agent header
set_value [Netcgi.Cookie]
set_value c v sets the value of the cookie c to v.
set_value [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
set_vary [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the Vary header
set_www_authenticate [Nethttp.Header]
Sets the WWW-Authenticate header
setpgid [Netsys]
setpgid pid pgid: Set the process group ID of the process pid to pgid.
setpgrp [Netsys]
Same as setpgid 0 0: A new process group ID is created, and the current process becomes its sole member.
setregid [Netsys]
Changes both the real and the effective group ID of the current process.
setreuid [Netsys]
Changes both the real and the effective user ID of the current process.
setup_job [Shell]
Creates a job like call, but does not execute it.
shm_open [Netsys]
Opens a shared memory object.
shm_table [Netshm_array]
Returns the underlying shared memory table used to implement hash tables
shm_table [Netshm_hashtbl]
Returns the underlying shared memory table used to implement hash tables.
shm_type_of_name [Netshm]
shm_unlink [Netsys]
Unlinks the name for a shared memory object
shut_down [Rpc_portmapper]
Shuts down the connection to the portmapper.
shut_down [Rpc_simple_client]
Shut the connection down.
shut_down [Rpc_client]
Shuts down the connection.
shut_down [Rpc_key_service]
shutdown_connector [Rpc_client]
The default implementation to shut down the connector.
signature [Rpc_program]
simple [Netcgi.Argument]
simple_arg name value creates an unstructured CGI argument called name with contents value.
simple_listing [Nethttpd_services]
Simple listing generator for `Enable_listings
since_epoch [Netdate]
Convert a date/time record into the time (seconds since the epoch)
specials_rfc2045 [Mimestring]
The sets of special characters defined by the RFCs 822 and 2045.
specials_rfc822 [Mimestring]
split [Netstring_pcre]
Splits the string according to the regexp in substrings.
split [Netstring_str]
Splits the string according to the regexp in substrings.
split_delim [Netstring_pcre]
Same as split, but occurrences of the delimiter at the beginning and the end are returned as empty strings
split_delim [Netstring_str]
Same as split, but occurrences of the delimiter at the beginning and the end are returned as empty strings
split_host_port [Nethttp]
Splits the Host header in hostname and optional port number.
split_mime_type [Mimestring]
let (main_type, sub_type) = split_mime_type content_type: Splits the MIME type into main and sub type, for example split_mime_type "text/plain" = ("text", "plain") .
split_path [Neturl]
Splits a '/'-separated path into components (e.g.
split_uri [Mimestring]
Splits a long URI according to the algorithm of RFC 2017.
ssl_accept_engine [Uq_ssl]
This engine performs the server handshake.
ssl_client_socket_config [Rpc_ssl]
SSL configuration object for clients
ssl_connect_engine [Uq_ssl]
This engine performs the client handshake.
ssl_server_socket_config [Rpc_ssl]
SSL configuration object for servers
startup [Netplex_main]
Parses the configuration file and starts the Netplex daemon.
status [Shell_sys]
Reports the status as determined by wait (below): If the process has terminated, the status of the process is returned.
status_of_bad_request_error [Nethttpd_kernel]
Returns the best response code for the error
status_of_cgi_header [Nethttp]
Returns the status code and the status text corresponding to the Status header
std_activation [Nethttpd_services]
Create the function for dyn_activation from a std_activation tag.
stderr [Shell]
The standard descriptors; defined here for convenience.
stderr_logger_factory [Netplex_log]
Reads a logging section like
stdin [Shell]
stdout [Shell]
stop_connection [Rpc_server]
Schedules a special event that causes the connection to be stopped in the very near future.
stop_server [Rpc_server]
Stops the server: If a TCP server socket is listening, it is immediately closed.
storage [Netmime]
Creates a new storage facility for a mime body according to store.
stream_rpc_multiplex_controller [Rpc_transport]
The multiplex controller for stream encapsulation
string_after [Netstring_pcre]
The last n characters of a string
string_after [Netstring_str]
The last n characters of a string
string_before [Netstring_pcre]
The first n characters of a string
string_before [Netstring_str]
The first n characters of a string
string_manager [Netshm_data]
Represents a string in the following way.
string_match [Netstring_pcre]
Matches the string at the position with the regexp.
string_match [Netstring_str]
Matches the string at the position with the regexp.
string_of_bad_request_error [Nethttpd_kernel]
Convert error to a string, for logging
string_of_encoding [Netconversion]
Returns the name of the encoding.
string_of_fatal_error [Nethttpd_kernel]
Convert error to a string, for logging
string_of_http_status [Nethttp]
Returns the informational text for a status value
string_of_in_obj_channel [Netchannels]
Reads from the input channel until EOF and returns the characters as string.
string_of_packed_value [Rpc_packer]
string_of_protocol [Nethttp]
Returns the string representation, e.g.
string_of_request_method [Netcgi_common]
string_of_url [Neturl]
Returns the URL as string
strong_validator_match [Nethttp]
Whether the tags match strongly (see RFC 2616 for definition)
sub [Netbuffer]
sub nb k n: returns the n characters starting at position n from netbuffer nb as fresh string
sub_lexeme [Netulex.Ulexing]
Returns a substring of the lexeme as array of Unicode code points.
substitute_first [Netstring_pcre]
substitute_first re subst s: Applies the substitution function subst to the first matching of re in s, and returns the transformed string.
substitute_first [Netstring_str]
substitute_first re subst s: Applies the substitution function subst to the first matching of re in s, and returns the transformed string.
supported_types [Netshm]
The types supported for this OS
sync_call [Rpc_client]
sysconf_open_max [Netsys]
Return the maximum number of open file descriptor per process.

tcgetpgrp [Netsys]
Return the process group ID of the foreground process group of the session associated with the file descriptor, which must be a tty.
tcp_port [Netsmtp]
default TCP port for SMTP
tcp_port [Netpop]
Default TCP port for POP version 3
tcsetpgrp [Netsys]
Sets the foreground process group ID of the session associated with the file descriptor, which must be a tty.
tempfile_transactional_optype [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi]
to_buffer [Shell]
Creates a consumer writing the data into the passed buffer.
to_buffer [Shell_sys]
to_buffer b returns a function which can be used as consumer argument for add_consumer.
to_compat_activation [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types]
Portage: to_compat_activation converts a new style cgi object to an old cgi_activation object.
to_compat_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types]
Portage: to_compat_argument a converts a new style argument a to an old style one.
to_compat_config [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_env]
Portage: to_compat_config c transform the new configuration c into one suitable for the old interface.
to_compat_environment [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_env]
Portage: to_compat_environment e converts the new environment e to the old interface.
to_dev_null [Shell]
A consumer redirecting the data to /dev/null.
to_fd [Shell]
Creates a consumer redirecting the data to the file descriptor
to_file [Shell]
Creates a consumer writing the data into the file whose name is passed to this function.
to_function [Shell]
Creates a consumer writing the data by calling a function.
to_record [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
Conversion to the deprecated style of cookie (some parameters are dropped).
to_unicode [Netconversion]
Maps the code point of the charset to the corresponding Unicode code point, or raises Malformed_code, when the input number does not correspond to a code point.
try_shrinking [Netbuffer]
try_shrinking nb: If the length of the buffer is less than half of the allocated space, the netbuffer is reallocated in order to save memory.
ttyname [Netsys]
Returns the name of the controlling tty referred to by the file descriptor.

uarray_of_ustring [Netconversion]
Returns the characters of the string as array of Unicode code points.
uchar_at [Netconversion]
Returns the Unicode code point of the character at the cursor.
uint4_as_string [Rtypes]
uint4_of_int [Rtypes]
uint4_of_int32 [Rtypes]
uint4_of_int64 [Rtypes]
uint8_as_string [Rtypes]
<t>_as_string: Returns the corresponding string in network byte order for an integer value
uint8_of_int [Rtypes]
uint8_of_int32 [Rtypes]
uint8_of_int64 [Rtypes]
unbind [Rpc_server]
Unbinds the program if it is bound by the server
undefault_url [Neturl]
Removes components from the URL if they have the passed value, and returns the modified URL.
unlink_shm [Netshm]
Removes the name permanently from the system
unlock [Netmappings]
unpack_call [Rpc_packer]
unpack_call_body [Rpc_packer]
unpack_call_frame [Rpc_packer]
unpack_call_frame_l [Rpc_packer]
unpack_reply [Rpc_packer]
unpack_reply_verifier [Rpc_packer]
unpack_xdr_value [Xdr]
unpack_xdr_value_l [Xdr]
fast: whether to prefer the new "fast" values (default: false)
unsafe_buffer [Netbuffer]
Warning! This is a low-level function! Returns the current string that internally holds the buffer.
unsafe_chars_html4 [Netencoding.Html]
The string contains '<', '>', '"', '&' and the control characters 0-8, 11-12, 14-31, 127.
unset [Rpc_portmapper]
unset pm_client program_nr version_nr protocol port_nr: removes the mapping.
update [Rpc_program]
Modifies program and/or version number
update_alist [Nethttpd_types]
update_alist updl l: Returns the alist with all elements of updl and all elements of l that are not member of updl.
update_props_inheader [Netcgi_common]
update_props_inheader (name, value) (props, inheader) returns (props, inheader) to which the new parameter name-value has been added -- to props or inheader, depending on name.
uri_distributor [Nethttpd_services]
Configures URI distribution.
uripath_decode [Nethttp]
Decodes %XX sequences in URI paths.
uripath_encode [Nethttp]
Encodes unsafe characters in URI paths.
url_encode [Netencoding.Base64]
Same as encode but use slightly different characters that can be part of URLs without additional encodings.
url_fragment [Neturl]
url_host [Neturl]
url_of_string [Neturl]
Parses the passed string according to the passed url_syntax.
url_other [Neturl]
Return components of the URL.
url_param [Neturl]
url_password [Neturl]
url_path [Neturl]
url_port [Neturl]
url_provides [Neturl]
Returns true iff the URL has all of the components passed with true value.
url_query [Neturl]
url_scheme [Neturl]
url_syntax_is_valid [Neturl]
Checks whether the passed url_syntax is valid.
url_syntax_of_url [Neturl]
Returns the url_syntax record of a URL.
url_user [Neturl]
url_user_param [Neturl]
ustring_compare [Netconversion]
Compares two strings lexicographically.
ustring_iter [Netconversion]
Iterates over the characters of a string, and calls the passed function for every code point.
ustring_length [Netconversion]
Returns the length of the string in characters.
ustring_map [Netconversion]
Maps every character of a string to a list of characters, and returns the concatenated string.
ustring_of_uarray [Netconversion]
Returns the array of Unicode code points as encoded string.
ustring_of_uchar [Netconversion]
ustring_of_uchar enc i: Creates the string representing the Unicode code point i in encoding enc.
ustring_sub [Netconversion]
ustring_sub enc start length s: Returns the substring of s starting at character count start and consisting of length characters.
utf8_lexeme [Netulex.Ulexing]
Returns the lexeme as UTF-8 encoded string
utf8_sub_lexeme [Netulex.Ulexing]
Returns a substring of the lexeme as UTF-8 encoded string.
utf8_sub_lexeme_length [Netulex.Ulexing]
Same as String.length(utf8_sub_lexeme args), i.e.
utf8_sub_string [Netulex.ULB]
The two int arguments are the position and length of a sub string of the lexbuf that is returned as UTF8 string.
utf8_sub_string_length [Netulex.ULB]
Returns String.length(utf8_sub_string args).

validate_xdr_type [Xdr]
validate_xdr_type_system [Xdr]
value [Netcgi.Cookie]
The value of the cookie.
value [Netcgi_common.Cookie]
value_matches_type [Xdr]
verbose [Rpc_server]
Set whether you want debug messages to stderr or not
verbose [Rpc_client]
set whether you want debug messages or not
verify [Netconversion]
Checks whether the string is properly encoded.
version_number [Rpc_program]
Return the version number

wait [Shell_sys]
Watches the given list of processes and the file descriptors read, write, and except, and waits until events for these resources have happened, and reports these.
watch_for_zombies [Shell_sys]
Iterates over the jobs in the list of abandoned jobs, and removes zombie processes.
weak_validator_match [Nethttp]
Whether the tags match weakly (see RFC 2616 for definition)
when_state [Uq_engines]
Watches the state of the argument engine, and arranges that one of the functions is called when a final state is reached.
with_in_obj_channel [Netchannels]
with_in_obj_channel ch f: Computes f ch and closes ch.
with_out_obj_channel [Netchannels]
with_out_obj_channel ch f: Computes f ch and closes ch.
workload_manager_factories [Netplex_workload]
All built-in workload manager factories
wrap_attachment [Netsendmail]
Generates a header for the mime_body.
wrap_mail [Netsendmail]
Sets the mail-related header fields in the input message, and returns a message ready for delivery.
wrap_parts [Netsendmail]
Generates an intermediate container for multipart attachments.
write [Nethtml]
Writes the document to the output channel.
write_blocks [Netshm]
write_blocks tbl ops key f: Like read_blocks this function iterates over the blocks of all bindings for key.
write_header [Mimestring]
This function writes the header to the passed out_obj_channel.
write_int4 [Rtypes]
write_int4_unsafe [Rtypes]
write_int8 [Rtypes]
write_int8_unsafe [Rtypes]
write_mime_message [Netmime]
Writes the MIME message to the output channel.
write_uint4 [Rtypes]
write_uint4_unsafe [Rtypes]
write_uint8 [Rtypes]
write_<t> copies the characters corresponding to the integer values into the string at the given positions.
write_uint8_unsafe [Rtypes]
write_<t>_unsafe: Same, but no index check.
write_value [Mimestring]
Writes the list of s_token to the out_obj_channel.

x_array_max [Xdr]
Common abbreviation for arrays of arbitrary length
x_bool [Xdr]
Common abbreviation for boolean types.
x_opaque_max [Xdr]
Common abbreviation for opaque data of arbitrary length
x_optional [Xdr]
Common abbreviation for optional types.
x_string_max [Xdr]
Common abbreviation for strings of arbitrary length
xdr_type_term [Xdr]
xdr_type_term_system [Xdr]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_callit'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_callit'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_dump'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_dump'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_getport'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_getport'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_null'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_null'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_set'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_set'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_unset'arg [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_PMAP'V2'pmapproc_unset'res [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_call_args [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_call_result [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_mapping [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_pmaplist [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xdrt_pmaplist_p [Rpc_portmapper_aux]
xv_false [Xdr]
See x_bool
xv_none [Xdr]
xv_some [Xdr]
See x_optional
xv_true [Xdr]

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