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TLS support

Since Ocamlnet-4, all implemented network protocols support now TLS. This document here explains how TLS is generally configured, and points to other pages for details.

Before Ocamlnet-4, there was some incomplete TLS support for HTTP clients. At that time, the ocaml-ssl wrappers were used to link with openssl. This was mainly a quick solution to satisfy the demand, but we could never implement all the features we would like to have. Also, the development of ocaml-ssl seems to have stalled, and because of this, the migration to a new TLS library was started.

The TLS provider

Ocamlnet-4 uses first class modules to separate the definition of the TLS provider (the library implementing the TLS protocol) from the TLS user (the protocol interpreters in Ocamlnet). This mainly means that the TLS provider is not hard-coded into Ocamlnet, but that the same code can be linked with different providers. Even better, it is possible to plug in providers at runtime, and - believe it or not - to use several providers at the same time.

The definition of the TLS provider is Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_PROVIDER. Any module implementing this module type can be plugged into the system. There is the notion of a "current" provider (Netsys_crypto.current_tls), so that if any TLS provider is linked into the executable, the code checks whether the current provider is set, and automatically uses it. The protocol interpreters, however, also allow it to set the TLS provider per client, or even per connection.

The provider defines types and functions that implement the TLS security mechanisms. Using the provider directly is a bit tricky, because the types it defines must always be in scope when value of these types are manipulated (a consequence of using first-class modules). Because of this, the protocol interpreters normally use the provider only via a thin layer around it that deals with these issues, Netsys_tls.

GnuTLS as TLS provider

Currently, there is only one provider, GnuTLS. The bindings for GnuTLS are already quite complete, and are available as nettls-gnutls library. So, enabling TLS in a program is quite easy:

  • Add nettls-gnutls to the list of findlib packages
  • Call Nettls_gnutls.init() (which mainly forces that the bindings are really linked in). After init, Netsys_crypto.current_tls returns the GnuTLS provider.

OPAM users: Note that the OPAM package for OCamlnet does not build the TLS provider by default. The trigger for this is the presence of the conf-gnutls OPAM package, i.e. do opam install conf-gnutls to rebuild with TLS.

At the moment, not all of the functionaliy of GnuTLS is available through the provider API. If necessary, you can access the bindings directly:

Configurations, and endpoints

Almost always TLS needs to be configured. For clients, there is a kind of secure default (by using the system-installed list of CA certificates as trusted list), but even then the configuration needs to be frequently adapted to the individual requirements.

Note that we currently only support X.509 configurations (although GnuTLS also supports OpenPGP, SRP, and a few more).

You get the secure default for clients by running:

let provider = Netsys_crypto.current_tls()

let tls_config = 

You can add more certificates to the trust list by passing the trust option, e.g.

let tls_config = 
     ~trust:[ `PEM_file:"/path/file/with/certs" ]

For servers, the configuration looks a bit different. You need a server certificate with a private key:

let tls_config = 
     ~keys:[ (`PEM_file "/path/to/cert", `PEM_file "/path/to/key", None) ]

(replace None by Some "password" if the key is password-protected). This example does not authenticate the client (peer_auth:`None). If you need that, change peer_auth back to `Required, and also pass trust so that the CA signing the client certificate is trusted.

The value tls_config is actually also a first-class module, and includes the provider as sub-module:

module type TLS_CONFIG =
    module TLS : TLS_PROVIDER
    val config : TLS.config

Because of this, it is sufficient to pass a TLS_CONFIG module to a protocol implementation to tell it about the combination of a provider and a configuration (e.g. look at the tls_config argument of Netftp_fs.ftp_fs). The reason for this kind of wrapping is that the type of the configuration is defined by the provider, and hence the configuration cannot exist without provider (the OCaml type checker enforces this).

There is also

module type TLS_ENDPOINT =
    module TLS : TLS_PROVIDER
    val endpoint : TLS.endpoint

and even

module type FILE_TLS_ENDPOINT =
    module TLS : TLS_PROVIDER
    val endpoint : TLS.endpoint
    val rd_file : Unix.file_descr
    val wr_file : Unix.file_descr

An "endpoint" denotes here the TLS state for a single connection.

Using TLS in clients

HTTP: In Nethttp_client, TLS is now automatically available once a TLS provider is initialized. Just submit "https" URLs, and that's it. There is no Https_client module anymore (as in earlier versions of Ocamlnet).

If you need to change the TLS configuration (or want to enable a different provider), you can set the Nethttp_client.http_options.tls option, e.g.

let http_options = pipeline # get_options
let new_options =
  { http_options with
      Nethttp_client.tls = Some tls_config
pipeline # set_options new_options

Nethttp_fs inherits the automatic configuration from Nethttp_client.

FTP: After starting an FTP session, you need to enable TLS explicitly using Netftp_client.tls_method. For instance:

let client = new Netftp_client.ftp_client() ;;
client # exec (connect_method ~host ());
client # exec (tls_method ~config ~required ());
client # exec (login_method ~user ~get_password ~get_account ());

Here, config is the TLS configuration. Set required if TLS is mandatory, and the file transfer will fail for servers not supporting TLS.

For Netftp_fs, things are a bit simpler: Just pass tls_enabled:true when creating the fs object:

let fs = Netftp_fs.ftp_fs ~tls_enabled:true "ftp://user@host/path"

Again, you can set whether TLS is required: tls_required. There is also the tls_config option to set an alternate TLS configuration.

SMTP and POP: These two clients have now additional methods starttls (SMTP) and stls (POP), respectively. These methods can be called when the right moment has come to switch to TLS. They take the TLS configuration and the domain name of the peer as arguments, e.g.

smtp_client # starttls ~peer_name:(Some "") config

RPC: You need to run the client in `Socket mode, and pass the special TLS socket configuration, e.g.

let socket_config =
  Rpc_client.tls_socket_config config

let client =
    (`Socket(Rpc.Tcp, connect_address, socket_config))

where config is still the TLS configuration.

Client features

Note that TLS security is bound to domain names, and not IP addresses. Because of this, you cannot create TLS sessions when the host name is only an IP address. (In some cases, Ocamlnet allows it to pass the domain name separately. This is the peer_name argument you can find here and there.)

All clients support SNI, and thus can talk to name-based virtual servers. SNI is a protocol extension that allows it clients to announce early in the feature negotiation to which domain they want to talk. SNI is not available on all servers, though.

So far, only Nethttp_client supports the caching of TLS sessions between TCP connects, but it needs to be explicitly configured (method set_tls_cache). (A "TLS session" is an established security context where both parties know the secret credentials, and can exchange confidential messages. TLS sessions are independent of TCP connections, i.e. the next TCP connection can reuse the same TLS session if both parties allow it.)

Using TLS in servers

HTTP: If you use the Netplex encapsulation of the server processes, TLS is normally available. Just add the required configuration to the configuration file: See Configuring TLS for details.

If you use the more low-level modules Nethttpd_kernel, Nethttpd_reactor and Nethttpd_engine, things are a bit more complicated. The TLS configuration is hidden in the Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_config, and you need here to set config_tls.

Note that these low-level modules do not provide TLS session caching automatically. You need to do this on your own by getting an Nethttpd_kernel.http_protocol_hooks object, and calling tls_set_cache there. For the Netplex-encapsulated version, this is already done.

RPC: This is almost identical to the client case:

let socket_config =
  Rpc_server.tls_socket_config config

let server =
    (`Socket(Rpc.Tcp, connect_address, socket_config))

If you use Rpc_netplex, the rpc_factory doesn't allow to configure TLS via the configuration file. However, you can do it on your own, by calling Netplex_config.read_tls_config to extract the TLS configuration from the file.

Server features

The HTTP server supports SNI, and thus name-based virtual hosting. For every domain, just configure a separate certificate.

Wildcard certificates are supported.

Both HTTP and RPC servers allow it to pass down the user name of a client that was authenticated with a client certificate. For HTTP, this name is available in the environment as REMOTE_USER variable. For RPC, you can use the Rpc_server.auth_transport pseudo-authentication method (which does nothing on the RPC level, but just looks whether there is a more low-level way of authentication like a client certificate). The user name is then returned by Rpc_server.get_user.

So far, we don't support that servers request a client certificate in a rehandshake.

Programming with TLS

As already mentioned, it is normally not advisable to program with the TLS provider directly. Better ways:

In all cases, it is expected that there is already a bidirectional data connection between the client and the server. Unlike in the old ocaml-ssl binding, there is no such thing like a TLS-enabled socket. Rather, TLS can be started on top of any kind of bidirectional connection, and instead of using special versions of the connect and accept routines you can run the TLS handshake on the already existing connection.

So, the following steps are needed:

  • Establish the bidirectional data connection on a file descriptor (which is often a socket, but is not restricted to this)
  • Create the TLS endpoint for the TLS configuration. With Netsys_tls, this is done by calling Netsys_tls.create_file_endpoint.
  • The handshake is done by calling Netsys_tls.handshake. It is not mandatory for the user to call this function, but if not done, the call is triggered by the next step implicitly.
  • Now use Netsys_tls.recv, Netsys_tls.mem_recv, Netsys_tls.send and Netsys_tls.mem_send to exchange application data with the peer.
  • Finally, invoke Netsys_tls.shutdown to shut down the secure data channel. Note that this function does not shut down the underlying file descriptor, but just signals the end of the data transfer on TLS level.

The Netsys_tls module assumes non-blocking data transfer. All I/O functions (including handshake and shutdown) may raise the two special exceptions Netsys_types.EAGAIN_RD and Netsys_types.EAGAIN_WR when they need to be called again when there is data to read, and buffer space for the next write, respectively. Note that it is possible that a send raises Netsys_types.EAGAIN_RD and that a recv raises Netsys_types.EAGAIN_WR.

Example for using TLS on the descriptor fd (omitting exception handling, which is ok for synchronous descriptors):

(* Get fd e.g. with Unix.socket, and connect it to the peer. *)

let endpoint =
     ~peer_name:(Some "")

let () =
  Netsys_tls.handshake endpoint

let n =
  Netsys_tls.recv endpoint s pos len

let n =
  Netsys_tls.send endpoint s pos len

let () =
  Netsys_tls.shutdown endpoint Unix.SHUTDOWN_ALL

The Netsys_tls module supports renegotiations of the security context. Normally, such renegotiations are just accepted, and automatically carried out. The Netsys_tls.recv function allows it to intercept a renegotiation request, and to refuse it (or otherwise react on it) with the on_rehandshake callback.

Note that passing the domain name to Netsys_tls.create_file_endpoint is mandatory for clients that authenticate servers (i.e. for the "normal" case). Essentially, TLS ensures then that the server reachable under the IP address for the domain is really the server it claims to be.

The Netsys.gread and functions also support TLS-protected descriptors. You need, however, pass the TLS endpoint explicitly to these functions, e.g.

let fd_style = `TLS tls_endpoint

(* Now use: *)
let n = Netsys.gread fd_style fd s pos len
let n = Netsys.gwrite fd_style fd s pos len
let () = Netsys.gshutdown fd_style Unix.SHUTDOWN_ALL

Similar "convenience functions" exist for Netchannels (see Netchannels_crypto.tls_layer) and multiplex controllers (see Uq_multiplex.tls_multiplex_controller).

Some word on the shutdown of a TLS session: TLS implements this by exchanging a special alert message called "close notify". Either party of the connection can start closing the data channel by sending such a "close notify" to the other side, which means that no more data will follow. The other side can send more data, but will finally reply with another "close notify". At this point, the connection is completely shut down on the TLS level. The "close notify" is just a special byte pattern in the encrypted data channel. Because it is encrypted, nobody else can fake such a message.

Note that this part of the protocol was not done right in the first revisions of TLS (in particular in SSL 1.0 and 2.0), and even today many protocol implementations are broken in this respect. In particular, you should know that:

  • Some implementations just tear down the TCP connection instead of going through the "close notify" protocol. It depends very much on the application protocol whether this is ok or not. For example, such a "hard termination" of the connection is ok between HTTP messages when there is Content-length header, but it is not ok to use it for signaling the end of a HTTP message when this header is missing.
  • Often, just one party sends a "close notify", but does not wait on the closure message from the other side. For some protocols (e.g. HTTP) this is explcitly allowed, for others not.
  • Some implementations only react on a "close notify" when a closure on TCP level follows. Because of this, it is common practice to just do a one-sided TCP shutdown (SHUTDOWN_SEND) directly after sending a "close notify", at least when the protocol allows this.

Note you have to program the latter explicitly. Neither Netsys_tls nor one of the other ways of interacting with the TLS provider will trigger a TCP shutdown on its own.

X.509 Certificates

For an introduction see Credentials.tls.

Ocamlnet includes now a simple parser for X.509 certificates. You can use this parser to add checks to clients and servers whether the certificates submitted by the peer are acceptable or not.

The data structure used here is Netx509.x509_certificate. If you get the certificate as binary blob it is normally DER-encoded, and you can use Netx509.x509_certificate_from_DER to parse it. Many protocol interpreters also export an object Nettls_support.tls_session_props which includes the already decoded certificate.

There are also functions for dealing with distinguished names:

The most frequently used certificate extensions are also supported in Netx509. For writing parsers there is the generic ASN.1 module Netasn1.

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