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Module Netldap

module Netldap: sig .. end
LDAP client

This is a simple asynchronous LDAP client.

Regarding LDAP URLs, please note that there are some special functions in Neturl_ldap.

Error handling

type result_code = [ `AdminLimitExceeded
| `AffectsMultipleDSAs
| `AliasDereferencingProblem
| `AliasProblem
| `AttributeOrValueExists
| `AuthMethodNotSupported
| `Busy
| `CompareFalse
| `CompareTrue
| `ConfidentialityRequired
| `ConstraintViolation
| `EntryAlreadyExists
| `InappropriateAuthentication
| `InappropriateMatching
| `InsufficientAccessRights
| `InvalidAttributeSyntax
| `InvalidCredentials
| `InvalidDNSyntax
| `LoopDetect
| `NamingViolation
| `NoSuchAttribute
| `NoSuchObject
| `NotAllowedOnNonLeaf
| `NotAllowedOnRDN
| `ObjectClassModsProhibited
| `ObjectClassViolation
| `OperationsError
| `Other
| `ProtocolError
| `Referral
| `SaslBindInProgress
| `SizeLimitExceeded
| `StrongAuthRequired
| `Success
| `TimeLimitExceeded
| `Unavailable
| `UnavailableCriticalExtension
| `UndefinedAttributeType
| `Unknown_code of int
| `UnwillingToPerform ]
exception Timeout
Raised when the TCP connection times out. Timeouts should be considered as non-recoverable by the user, and the connection should be aborted.
exception LDAP_error of result_code * string
The server indicates a (logical) error. Such errors are normal messages, and the connection remains intact.
exception Auth_error of string
Authentication error

Specifying the LDAP server

type tls_mode = [ `Disabled | `Immediate | `StartTLS | `StartTLS_if_possible ] 
  • `Disabled: do not negotiate TLS
  • `Immediate: assume that the connection directly requires TLS
  • `StartTLS: upgrade an initially unprotected connection to TLS
  • `StartTLS_if_possible: upgrade an unprotected connection to TLS if possible (i.e. if supported by both ends of the connection)

class type ldap_server = object .. end
val ldap_server : ?timeout:float ->
?peer_name:string ->
?tls_config:(module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) ->
?tls_mode:tls_mode -> Netsockaddr.socksymbol -> ldap_server
Specifies how to reach the server: e.g.

let server = ldap_server (`Inet_byname("hostname", 389))


  • timeout: The timeout for connecting and for subsequent request/response cycles. Defaults to 15 seconds.
  • peer_name: The expected domain name in the certificate for TLS-secured connections. If not passed, the name is derived from the socksymbol argument.
  • tls_config: The TLS configuration (i.e. the TLS provider and how to use it). Defaults to the provider set in Netsys_crypto, and to requiring valid server certificates.
  • tls_mode: Whether and how to negotiate TLS. Defaults to `StartTLS_if_possible.

val ldap_server_of_url : ?timeout:float ->
?tls_config:(module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) ->
?tls_mode:tls_mode -> Neturl.url -> ldap_server
Gets the host and port from an LDAP URL. Otherwise the same as ldap_server.

The URL can have schemes "ldap" or "ldaps". In the latter case, the tls_mode is automatically adjusted to `Immediate.

Specifying LDAP credentials

type bind_creds 
val anon_bind_creds : bind_creds
val simple_bind_creds : dn:string -> pw:string -> bind_creds
val sasl_bind_creds : dn:string ->
user:string ->
authz:string ->
creds:(string * string * (string * string) list) list ->
params:(string * string * bool) list ->
(module Netsys_sasl_types.SASL_MECHANISM) -> bind_creds

LDAP connections

type ldap_connection 
val connect_e : ?proxy:#Uq_engines.client_endpoint_connector ->
ldap_server ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> ldap_connection Uq_engines.engine
val connect : ?proxy:#Uq_engines.client_endpoint_connector ->
ldap_server -> ldap_connection
val close_e : ldap_connection -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Close the connection using the close protocol
val close : ldap_connection -> unit
Same as synchronous function
val abort : ldap_connection -> unit
Close the connection immediately
val conn_bind_e : ldap_connection -> bind_creds -> unit Uq_engines.engine
Bind the connection to credentials
val conn_bind : ldap_connection -> bind_creds -> unit
Same as synchronous function
val tls_session_props : ldap_connection -> Nettls_support.tls_session_props option
Returns the TLS session properties

LDAP results

class type ['a] ldap_result = object .. end
A class type for encapsulating results
exception Notification of string ldap_result
An unsolicited notification. The string is the OID. Best reaction is to terminate the connection. This is e.g. sent when the server cannot decode the client message, but also for other special conditions. Notification exception are directly raised by the LDAP client functions.

LDAP searches

type scope = [ `Base | `One | `Sub ] 
The scope of the search:
  • `Base: only the base object
  • `One: only the direct children of the base object
  • `Sub: the base object and all direct and indirect children

type deref_aliases = [ `Always | `Finding_base_obj | `In_searching | `Never ] 
What to do when aliases (server-dereferenced symbolic links) are found in the tree:
  • `Never: do not dereference aliases but return them as part of the search result
  • `In_searching: when aliases are found in the children of the base object dereference the aliases, and continue the search there, and repeat this recursively if needed
  • `Finding_base_obj: dereference alises in base objects but not in children
  • `Always: always dereference aliases

type filter = [ `And of filter list
| `Approx_match of string * string
| `Equality_match of string * string
| `Extensible_match of string option * string option * string * bool
| `Greater_or_equal of string * string
| `Less_or_equal of string * string
| `Not of filter
| `Or of filter list
| `Present of string
| `Substrings of string * string option * string list * string option ]
  • `Equality_match(attr_descr, value)
  • `Substrings(attr_descr, prefix_match, substring_matches, suffix_match)
  • `Greater_or_equal(attr_descr,value)
  • `Less_or_equal(attr_descr,value)
  • `Present(attr_descr)
  • `Approx_match(attr_descr,value)
  • `Extensible_match(matching_rule_id, attr_descr, value, dn_attrs)
Here, attr_descr is the name of the attribute, either given by an OID (in dotted representation) or a by a descriptive name. There can be options, separated from the name by a semicolon.

The value is the value to filter with (an UTF-8 string).

type search_result = [ `Entry of string * (string * string list) list | `Reference of string list ] 
Search results are either entries or references:
  • `Entry(object_dn, [(attr_descr, values); ...])
  • `Reference urls: The entry is not present on this server but can be looked up by following one of the urls

val search_e : ldap_connection ->
base:string ->
scope:scope ->
deref_aliases:deref_aliases ->
size_limit:int ->
time_limit:int ->
types_only:bool ->
filter:filter ->
attributes:string list ->
unit -> search_result list ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
Run the specified search: Search at base according to scope for entries matching the filter and return their attributes.

If the base object is not present on the server but somewhere else (redirection) the result will be empty and the referral is set in the response. If children of the base object are redirected to another server, the result will contain `Reference elements.

Note that time_limit is a server-enforced limit (in seconds; 0 for no limit). Independently of that this client employs the timeout set in the ldap_connection. This timeout limits the time between two consecutive server messages.

The size_limit limits the number of returned entries (0 for no limit).

If types_only there will not be values in the result (instead, empty lists are returned).

A filter is mandatory. If you want to get all results, specify a useless filter like `Present("objectclass").

If you pass an empty attributes list, no attributes will be returned. In order to get all attributes, pass the list ["*"]. The asterisk can also be appended to a non-empty list to get all remaining attributes in any order.

val search : ldap_connection ->
base:string ->
scope:scope ->
deref_aliases:deref_aliases ->
size_limit:int ->
time_limit:int ->
types_only:bool ->
filter:filter ->
attributes:string list ->
unit -> search_result list ldap_result
Same as synchronous function
val compare_e : ldap_connection ->
dn:string ->
attr:string ->
value:string -> unit -> bool ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
compare_e conn ~dn ~attr ~value (): returns true if the attribute attr of entry dn has value (according to equality matching)
val compare : ldap_connection ->
dn:string -> attr:string -> value:string -> unit -> bool ldap_result
Same as synchronous function

LDAP updates

Although updates do not return a regular result, there might be an error message. An exception is not automatically raised. It is done, though, when the value method of the result is invoked (returning normally just ()). Example:

let () = (add conn ~dn ~attributes) # value

val add_e : ldap_connection ->
dn:string ->
attributes:(string * string list) list ->
unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
add_e conn ~dn ~attributes: Adds a new entry under dn with the attributes, given as list (attr_descr, values).
val add : ldap_connection ->
dn:string ->
attributes:(string * string list) list -> unit -> unit ldap_result
Same as synchronous function
val delete_e : ldap_connection ->
dn:string -> unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
delete_e conn ~dn: Deletes the entry dn
val delete : ldap_connection -> dn:string -> unit -> unit ldap_result
Same as synchronous function
type operation = [ `Add | `Delete | `Replace ] 
val modify_e : ldap_connection ->
dn:string ->
changes:(operation * (string * string list)) list ->
unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
modify_e conn ~dn ~changes (): Modifies attributes of the entry for dn. The changes are given as a list (op, (attr_descr, values)). Here, op is the operation to do. attr_descr identifies the attribute to add/delete/replace. The values are the additional values, or the values to delete, or the values to substitute. In case of "delete", an empty values list means to delete the whole attribute.
val modify : ldap_connection ->
dn:string ->
changes:(operation * (string * string list)) list ->
unit -> unit ldap_result
Same as synchronous function
val modify_dn_e : ldap_connection ->
dn:string ->
new_rdn:string ->
delete_old_rdn:bool ->
new_superior:string option ->
unit -> unit ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
modify_dn_e conn ~dn ~new_rdn ~delete_old_rdn ~new_superior: renames and/or moves the entry in the tree. The entry under dn is the modified entry. The new_rdn is the new name of the leaf (renaming). If delete_old_rdn, the attributes describing the old name of the leaf are deleted, and otherwise retained. If new_superior is set, the entry is additionally moved to this new parent entry.
val modify_dn : ldap_connection ->
dn:string ->
new_rdn:string ->
delete_old_rdn:bool ->
new_superior:string option -> unit -> unit ldap_result
Same as synchronous function
val modify_password_e : ldap_connection ->
uid:string option ->
old_pw:string option ->
new_pw:string option ->
unit -> string option ldap_result Uq_engines.engine
This is the LDAP extension for modifying passwords (potentially outside the tree; RFC 3062). uid is the user ID to modify (which can be a DN but needs not to). The old password can be specified in old_pw. The new password is in new_pw.

In cases where the server generates a password, this one is contained in the returned result.

val modify_password : ldap_connection ->
uid:string option ->
old_pw:string option ->
new_pw:string option -> unit -> string option ldap_result
Same as synchronous function

LDAP routines

val test_bind_e : ?proxy:#Uq_engines.client_endpoint_connector ->
ldap_server ->
bind_creds -> Unixqueue.event_system -> bool Uq_engines.engine
Tries to bind to the server with the given credentials. Returns whether successful.
val test_bind : ?proxy:#Uq_engines.client_endpoint_connector ->
ldap_server -> bind_creds -> bool
Same as synchronous function
val retr_password_e : dn:string ->
ldap_server ->
bind_creds ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
(string * string * (string * string) list) list Uq_engines.engine
Connects and binds to the server, and retrieves the userPassword and authPassword attributes of the entry referenced by dn. The passwords are returned in the format outlined in Credentials. This function can process these password formats:
  • userPassword in RFC-2307 format using any schemes
  • authPassword in RFC-3112 format using any schemes
Raises an LDAP_error exception when problems occur.
val retr_password : dn:string ->
ldap_server ->
bind_creds -> (string * string * (string * string) list) list
Same as synchronous function


module Debug: sig .. end
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