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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_cycle

Module Wd_cycle

module Wd_cycle: sig .. end
The scope of the module Wd_cycle is the whole CGI cycle, from the moment when the CGI request has just arrived until the moment just before the CGI response is delivered to the client.

val process_request : ?session_manager:Wd_types.session_manager_type ->
?self_url:string ->
?response_header:Wd_types.response_header ->
Wd_types.universe_type -> Netcgi_types.cgi_activation -> unit
This is the main function processing requests coming from the browser. It expects a CGI environment, interprets the CGI variables and performs one request cycle:
  • The old object is restored (deserialized)
  • The variables are updated that are bound to interactors, i.e. the user modifications are propagated to these variables
  • The current event is determined by checking which button or link has been clicked
  • The method handle of the object is invoked
  • The result of handle is interpreted
  • The method prepare_page is invoked on the (probably next) object
  • The HTML code for the selected page is generated The resulting HTML code is written to the output channel of the cgi_activation object passed to this function.
For more details of the request cycle, see the documents standard-cycle.txt and popup-cycle.txt.

session_manager : The session manager to use. The main task of the session manager is to encode/decode the CGI variable "uiobject_session". The default value is Wd_dialog.instant_session_manager.
self_url : The URL used in the recursive POST requests. It defaults to the URL returned by the url method of the cgi_activation object.
response_header : The HTTP response header to use. This header record can be modified while the request is processed (see the response_header field of the environment record).
val make_environment : Netcgi_types.cgi_activation -> Wd_types.environment
Creates an (otherwise empty) environment with the passed CGI activation object.
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