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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_types.universe_type

Class type Wd_types.universe_type

class type universe_type = object .. end
The universe is the registry of classes and dialogs

method application : application_type
Return the application this universe is made for
method register : string ->
(universe_type ->
string -> environment -> dialog_type) ->
Registers that a certain O'Caml class implements the callbacks of the dialog declared in the UI definition. More precisely,

u # register name f_new

registers that the dialog name is realized by the objects returned by the evaluation of the constructing function f_new. The arguments passed to f_new are:

f_new u name env

where u and name are the universe and the dialog name, and env is the environment of the current CGI activation. It is legal to store env in the created objects because they are created for every activation anew.

method create : environment -> string -> dialog_type
Creates a new object for the passed environment and dialog name. This method effectively calls the function f_new that has previously been registered.
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