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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_run_fcgi

Module Wd_run_fcgi

module Wd_run_fcgi: sig .. end
This module contains a customizable main program for application servers connected with the fastcgi protocol

val create_request_handler : ?charset:Pxp_types.rep_encoding ->
?session_manager:Wd_types.session_manager_type ->
?no_cache:bool ->
?error_page:(Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> exn -> unit) ->
?response_header:Wd_types.response_header ->
?reg:(Wd_types.universe_type -> unit) ->
uifile:string -> unit -> Netcgi_types.cgi_activation -> unit

This function creates a request handler for a fastcgi-based application server. Use this function like in this example:

Netcgi_fcgi.serv (Wd_run_fcgi.create_request_handler ~session_manager: (new memory_session_manager) ~charset:`Enc_utf8 ~reg ~uifile:"adder.ui" ()) buffered_transactional_optype

This main program creates a single threaded (single process) server which handles requests sequentially. Since fastcgi processes are managed by an application server, this is the only mode provided. The application server can then be configured to create process pools, cgi style servers, etc.. See the manual for your fastcgi application server for details.

The application is accessible under the URL which you have configured for it in your web server.

Call the function create_request_handler as follows:

let req_hdl = create_request_handler ~reg ~uifile ()

The argument ~reg registers the dialog classes (like in Wd_run_cgi). The argument ~uifile must be the absolute path of the UI definition. The suffix of this file must be ".ui" or ".ui.bin".

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