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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_transform

Module Wd_transform

module Wd_transform: sig .. end
This is the processor transforming the ui file to HTML output.

class syntax_tree : Wd_types.syntax_tree_type
The realization of the syntax tree
val parse_uiapplication : ?charset:Pxp_types.rep_encoding -> string -> Wd_types.application_type
Parses the file whose name is passed to the function, and returns the contents of the ui file as application declaration.

E.g. parse_uiapplication "index.ui"

~charset: This argument determines the _internal_ encoding of the characters. The internal encoding may be different from the encoding found in the parsed files; if necessary, the characters are recoded. This argument determines also the charset of the returned application, and thus indirectly:

  • The charset of dialog variables and other state data
  • The charset of the generated HTML pages

val load_uiapplication : ?charset:Pxp_types.rep_encoding -> string -> Wd_types.application_type
Loads the ui definition contained in the binary file, and returns the contents as application declaration.

E.g. load_uiapplication "index.ui.bin"

~charset: See also parse_uiapplication. The charset MUST be the same as the charset used in the compiled binary. There is no check whether this is actually true.

val compile : ?charset:Pxp_types.rep_encoding -> string -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
Compiles the file and writes it to the out_channel. The compiled file can later be loaded by load_uiapplication which is much faster than parse_uiapplication.

~charset: See also parse_uiapplication. This charset determines the charset used in the compiled binary. It must be the same as the charset used to load_uiapplication

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