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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_types.application_type

Class type Wd_types.application_type

class type application_type = object .. end
This class represents the whole application

method start_dialog_name : string
Returns the name of the start dialog
method dialog_names : string list
Returns the names of the declared dialogs
method dialog_declaration : string -> dialog_decl_type
Returns the declaration for the passed dialog
method template_names : string list
Returns the names of the declared templates (including the templates of the core and the standard libraries)
method template : string -> template_type
Returns the definition of the passed template
method study : unit -> unit
Studies all defined templates
method output_encoding : string -> string -> string
Returns the output encoding as function string -> string
method add_output_encoding : string -> (string -> string) -> unit
Adds the output encoding function (second argument) under the passed name (first argument) to the application. It is not possible to redefine existing functions.
method var_function : string ->
dialog_type ->
dialog_type poly_var_value list ->
dialog_type poly_var_value
Returns the variable function as O'Caml function. If the function has lazy arguments, this property will be lost when it is returned by this method. Use lazy_var_function instead.
method lazy_var_function : string ->
dialog_type ->
dialog_type poly_var_value Lazy.t list ->
dialog_type poly_var_value
Returns the variable function as O'Caml function
method dtd : Pxp_dtd.dtd
Returns the DTD of WDialog
method charset : Pxp_types.rep_encoding
Returns the character set used for the internal representation, and for the generated HTML pages.
method debug_mode : bool
Returns whether there is a processing instruction <?wd-debug-mode?>. This value is used to initialize the environment.
method debug_mode_style : debug_mode_style
Returns the style of the debug mode
method prototype_mode : bool
Returns whether there is a processing instruction <?wd-prototype-mode?>. This value is used to initialize the environment.
method onstartup_call_handle : bool
Returns whether there is a processing instruction <?wd-onstartup-call-handle?>.
method add_var_function : string ->
(dialog_type ->
dialog_type poly_var_value list ->
dialog_type poly_var_value) ->
Adds a variable function with eager evaluation
method add_lazy_var_function : string ->
(dialog_type ->
dialog_type poly_var_value Lazy.t list ->
dialog_type poly_var_value) ->
Adds a variable function with lazy evaluation of its arguments
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