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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_types.session_type

Class type Wd_types.session_type

class type session_type = object .. end
This is a single session

method session_id : string
Returns the ID of the session. Fails if the session does not have an ID (e.g. it is not stored in the database)
method dialog_name : string
Returns the name of the dialog this session encapsulates
method dialog : dialog_type
Returns the dialog
method commit_changes : unit -> unit
Causes that serialize returns the current state of the dialog. This means that commit_changes extracts the state from the dialog, and prepares the string that will be returned by serialize.
method serialize : string
Returns the state of the dialog at the time of the last commit_change or the state of the initial dialog
method change_dialog : dialog_type -> unit
Continue with a new dialog. The methods dialog_name and dialog will immediately reflect the change. However, you have to call commit_changes to make serialize return the state of the new dialog.
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