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WDialog API for Objective Caml: Wd_types.template_type

Class type Wd_types.template_type

class type template_type = object .. end
This class represents a template definition

method study : application_type -> unit
Studies the template for the scope of the passed application
method instantiate : ?context:syntax_tree_type dict ->
?vars:trans_vars ->
?params:syntax_tree_type dict ->
dialog_type -> syntax_tree_type
Instantiates the template. The parameter ~context may contain the context parameters (defaults to the empty set). ~vars may contain the transformation variables (defaults to: not available). ~params may contains the lexical parameters (defaults to the empty set). In every case, the current dialog instance must be passed.

The result of the instantiation is the XML tree where all dollar notations have been replaced by the passed actual parameter values. It is not necessary that the template is completely expanded, however, i.e. it may contain ui:use elements.

The exception Instantiation_error will be raised if something goes wrong.

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