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The UI language
 ui:alist-value and ui:alist-item
 ui:dyn-enum-value and ui:dyn-enum-item
 ui:enum-value and ui:enum-item
 ui:enumeration and ui:enum
 ui:text and ui:password
 t:*, q:*, and p:*
 Dot notation (v1.v2)
The element ui:template

This element defines a template. For an overview, see the chapter about Templates.


Level: Control structure

<!ELEMENT ui:template ANY>

<!ATTLIST ui:template
          name               NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
          from-caller        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          from-context       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          xml:lang           NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
The subelements of ui:template must match the informal rule ( ui:default*, %page-body;* ) where %page-body; stands symbolically for all allowed sub elements. Note that whitespace between the %page-body; elements counts, but at the other positions it is ignored.

  • name: The name of the template. Template names are globally known.

  • from-caller: The space-separated list of parameters with lexical scope.

  • from-context: The space-separated list of parameters with dynamic scope.

  • xml:lang: If present, this attribute defines the language suffix of the template name.

Sub elements

The sub element ui:default has the special task to define the default values for parameters that are used if the parameter has not been passed by the caller (lexical scope), or the parameter cannot be found in the context (dynamic scope). ui:default elements must only occur at the beginning of the template.

The other sub elements may be arbitrary page body elements.


If no xml:lang attribute exists, the template is defined with exactly the name as specified by the name attribute.

If there is a xml:lang attribute, the template gets a compound name. The name attribute is the first part, and the xml:lang attribute is the suffix; the parts are separated by a # character. For example, the template

<ui:template name="foo" xml:lang="en">...</ui:template>
defines the template foo#en.

See the chapter Templates.

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