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Index of classes

attribute_impl [Pxp_document]
This class is an implementation of node which realizes attribute nodes.

combine [Pxp_reader]
Combines several resolver objects.
comment_impl [Pxp_document]
This class is an implementation of node which realizes comment nodes.

data_impl [Pxp_document]
This class is an implementation of node which realizes data nodes.
document [Pxp_document]
Documents are used to represent closed documents that may consist of an XML declaration, a DTD, and a node tree.
drop_warnings [Pxp_core_types.S]
Drop any warnings
dtd [Pxp_dtd]
DTD objects have two purposes: They are containers for global declarations that apply to the whole XML document. This includes the character set, the standalone declaration, and all declaration that can appear in the "DTD part" of a document., Also, they express formal constraints the document must fulfill such as validity, or (less ambitious) well-formedness. Normally, programmers neither need to create such objects, nor to fill them with data, as the parser already does this.
dtd_element [Pxp_dtd]
A single element declaration that can be added to the DTD object.
dtd_notation [Pxp_dtd]
A single notation declaration that can be added to the DTD object.

element_impl [Pxp_document]
This class is an implementation of node which realizes element nodes.

hash_index [Pxp_yacc]
hash_index [Pxp_tree_parser]
This is a simple implementation of Pxp_tree_parser.index using a hash table.

lookup_id [Pxp_reader]
The general catalog class.
lookup_id_as_file [Pxp_reader]
The list (catalog) argument specifies pairs (xid,file) mapping external IDs xid to files.
lookup_id_as_string [Pxp_reader]
The list (catalog) argument specifies pairs (xid,s) mapping external IDs xid to strings s.
lookup_public_id [Pxp_reader]
This is the generic builder for PUBLIC id catalog resolvers: The list (catalog) argument specifies pairs (pubid, r) mapping PUBLIC identifiers to subresolvers.
lookup_public_id_as_file [Pxp_reader]
Makes a resolver for PUBLIC identifiers.
lookup_public_id_as_string [Pxp_reader]
Makes a resolver for PUBLIC identifiers.
lookup_system_id [Pxp_reader]
This is the generic builder for URL-based catalog resolvers: The catalog argument specifies pairs (url, r) mapping URL's identifiers to subresolvers.
lookup_system_id_as_file [Pxp_reader]
Looks up resolvers for URL identifiers: The catalog argument specifies pairs (url, filename) mapping URL's to filenames.
lookup_system_id_as_string [Pxp_reader]
Looks up resolvers for URL identifiers: The catalog argument specifies pairs (url, text) mapping URL's to XML text (which must begin with <?xml ...?>).

namespace_attribute_impl [Pxp_document]
the namespace-aware implementation of attribute nodes.
namespace_element_impl [Pxp_document]
This class is an implementation of node which realizes element nodes.
namespace_impl [Pxp_document]
Namespace objects are only used to represent the namespace declarations occurring in the attribute lists of elements.
namespace_manager [Pxp_dtd]
This class manages mappings from URIs to normalized prefixes.
namespace_scope_impl [Pxp_dtd]
An implementation of namespace_scope.
norm_system_id [Pxp_reader]
Normalizes URL's, and forwards the open request to the passed resolver.

pinstr_impl [Pxp_document]
This class is an implementation of node which realizes processing instruction nodes.
proc_instruction [Pxp_dtd]
A single processing instruction occuring in DTD scope.

resolve_as_file [Pxp_reader]
Reads from the local file system.
resolve_to_any_obj_channel [Pxp_reader]
This resolver calls the function channel_of_id to open a new channel for the passed resolver_id.
resolve_to_this_obj_channel [Pxp_reader]
Reads from the passed in_obj_channel.
resolve_to_url_obj_channel [Pxp_reader]
When this resolver gets an ID to read from, it calls the function url_of_id to get the corresponding URL (such IDs are normally system IDs, but it is also possible to other kinds of IDs to URLs).
rewrite_system_id [Pxp_reader]
Rewrites the URL's according to the list of pairs.

super_root_impl [Pxp_document]
This class is an implementation of node which realizes super root nodes.

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