A | |
aggressive_cache [Http_client_conncache] |
This type of cache tries to keep connections as long open as
augment_raw_in_channel [Netchannels] |
This class implements the methods from
compl_in_channel by calling
the methods of raw_in_channel .
augment_raw_out_channel [Netchannels] |
This class implements the methods from
compl_out_channel by calling
the methods of raw_out_channel .
B | |
basic_auth_handler [Http_client] |
Basic authentication.
basic_auth_method [Http_client] |
basic_mime_header [Netmime] |
An implementation of
mime_header .
blocking_socket_config [Rpc_client] |
connect configuration as class
buffered_raw_in_channel [Netchannels] |
This class adds a buffer to the underlying
raw_in_channel .
buffered_raw_out_channel [Netchannels] |
This class adds a buffer to the underlying
raw_out_channel .
buffered_trans_channel [Netchannels] |
A transactional output channel with a transaction buffer implemented
in memory
buffering_engine_processing_config [Nethttpd_engine] |
Implements the synchronisation by buffering
C | |
cache [Uq_engines_compat] | |
cache [Uq_engines] | new cache f esys : A cache that runs f esys to obtain values
call_engine [Shell_uq] |
This engine corresponds to
Shell.call .
cgi [Netcgi_common] | cgi env op meth args constructs Netcgi.cgi objects.
cgi_environment [Netcgi_common] | new cgi_environment ~config ~properties ~input_header out_obj
generates a Netcgi.cgi_environment object, from the arguments.
client [Netsmtp] | |
client [Netpop] |
The class
client implements the POP3 protocol.
connect [Netsmtp] | connect addr timeout : Connects with the server at addr , and
configure that I/O operations time out after timeout seconds of
connect [Netpop] | connect addr timeout : Connects with the server at addr , and
configure that I/O operations time out after timeout seconds of
conversion_pipe [Netconversion] |
This pipeline class (see
Netchannels for more information) can be used
to recode a netchannel while reading or writing.
copier [Uq_engines_compat] | |
copier [Uq_transfer] |
This engine copies data between file descriptors as specified by
copy_task argument.
create_full_info [Nethttpd_types] |
Creates a
full_info object by adding to a request_info object
D | |
data_converter [Ftp_data_endpoint] |
Creates a data conversion pipe converting
fromrepr to
torepr .
decoding_pipe [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable] |
This pipe decodes the data written into the pipe.
decoding_pipe [Netencoding.Base64] |
This pipe decodes the data written into the pipe.
default_socket_config [Rpc_server] | |
default_socket_config [Rpc_client] |
Default configuration as class
deflating_pipe [Netgzip] |
A deflating (compressing) pipe for gzip data, to be used in filters
delay_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
delay_engine [Uq_engines] | let de = delay_engine d f esys : The engine e = f() is created
after d seconds, and the result of e becomes the result of de .
delegate_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
delegate_engine [Uq_engines] |
Turns an engine value into a class
delete [Http_client] |
Argument: URI
delete_call [Http_client] | |
digest_auth_handler [Http_client] |
Digest authentication.
digest_auth_method [Http_client] |
direct_acceptor [Uq_engines_compat] | |
direct_acceptor [Uq_server] |
An implementation of
server_endpoint_acceptor for sockets and Win32
named pipes.
direct_socket_acceptor [Uq_engines_compat] | |
E | |
empty_environment [Nethttpd_types] |
This class implements an environment with defined internal containers.
empty_fs [Netfs] |
This is a class where all methods fail with
empty_processor_hooks [Netplex_kit] |
This is an empty set of processor hooks, i.e.
encoding_pipe [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable] |
This pipe encodes the data written into the pipe.
encoding_pipe [Netencoding.Base64] |
This pipe encodes the data written into the pipe.
engine_mixin [Uq_engines_compat] | |
engine_mixin [Uq_engines] |
A useful class fragment that implements
state and
request_notification .
epsilon_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
epsilon_engine [Uq_engines] |
This engine transitions from its initial state
`Working 0 in one
step ("epsilon time") to the passed constant state.
F | |
file_mime_body [Netmime] |
An implementation of
mime_body where the value is stored
in an external file.
fmap_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
fmap_engine [Uq_engines] |
Similar to
map_engine but different calling conventions: The
mapping function is called when the argument engine reaches a
final state, and this state can be mapped to another final state.
ftp_client [Ftp_client] |
The ftp client is a user session that may even span several connections.
ftp_data_receiver [Ftp_data_endpoint] |
This engine receives data on a FTP data connection, and forwards
them to a local receiver.
ftp_data_sender [Ftp_data_endpoint] |
This engine sends data over a FTP data connection coming from
a local sender.
ftp_fs [Ftp_fs] | ftp_fs base_url : Access the FTP file system rooted at base_url .
G | |
generic_call [Http_client] |
This class is an implementation of
http_call .
get [Http_client] |
Argument: URI
get_call [Http_client] | |
group [Netaddress] |
group has a name, and consists of a number of mailboxes.
gtk_event_system [Uq_gtk] |
This class is an alternate implementation of the Unixqueue event systems
for the Glib event loop.
H | |
head [Http_client] |
Argument: URI
head_call [Http_client] | |
http_engine [Nethttpd_engine] |
This engine processes the requests arriving on the file descriptor using
the Unix event system.
http_environment [Nethttpd_reactor] |
For private use only
http_fs [Http_fs] | http_fs base_url : Accesses the HTTP file system rooted at
base_url .
http_protocol [Nethttpd_kernel] |
The core event loop of the HTTP daemon
http_reactor [Nethttpd_reactor] |
http_reactor allows one to pull the next request from a connected
client, and to deliver the response to the protocol engine.
http_response_impl [Nethttpd_kernel] |
Exported for debugging and testing only
I | |
in_obj_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
inflating_pipe [Netgzip] |
An inflating (uncompressing) pipe for gzip data, to be used in filters
input_async_descr [Uq_engines_compat] | |
input_async_descr [Uq_transfer] |
The corresponding class for asynchronous input channels.
input_async_mplex [Uq_engines_compat] | |
input_async_mplex [Uq_transfer] |
Creates an asynchronous input channel reading from the multiplex
input_channel [Netchannels] |
Creates an input channel from an
in_channel , which must be open.
input_command [Netchannels] |
Runs the command with
/bin/sh , and reads the data the command prints
to stdout.
input_deflate [Netgzip] | let ch' = new input_deflate ch : Reading data from ch' deflates
data read from ch .
input_descr [Netchannels] |
Creates a
raw_in_channel for the passed file descriptor, which must
be open for reading.
input_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
input_engine [Uq_engines] |
Generic input engine for reading from a file descriptor:
let e = new input_engine f fd tmo - Waits until the file descriptor
becomes readable, and calls then let x = f fd to read from the
input_filter [Netchannels] |
input_filter filters the data read from it through the
io_obj_channel (usually a pipe after the data have been
retrieved from the passed in_obj_channel .
input_gzip [Netgzip] |
Gzip.in_channel turned into a Netchannels.in_obj_channel
input_inflate [Netgzip] | let ch' = new input_inflate ch : Reading data from ch' inflates
data read from ch .
input_stream [Netstream] |
Make an
in_obj_stream on top of an in_obj_channel .
input_string [Netchannels] |
Creates an input channel from a (constant) string.
J | |
job_engine [Shell_sys] |
job_engine watches the job, and looks whether the processes
are finished, and if so, it records the process statuses.
K | |
key_ring [Http_client] |
key_ring is a cache for keys.
L | |
lift_raw_out_channel [Netchannels] |
This class implements the methods from
compl_out_channel by calling
the methods of raw_out_channel .
lift_rec_in_channel [Netchannels] |
This class implements
pos_in and the methods from compl_in_channel
by calling the methods of rec_in_channel .
lift_rec_out_channel [Netchannels] |
This class implements
pos_out and the methods from compl_out_channel
by calling the methods of rec_out_channel .
lingering_close [Nethttpd_kernel] |
Closes a file descriptor using the "lingering close" algorithm.
local_fsys [Netglob] | |
local_user_info [Netglob] | |
lwt_backend [Uq_lwt] |
Adapter for turning an Ocamlnet
event_system into an Lwt Lwt_engine.t .
M | |
mailbox [Netaddress] |
mailbox has a name, optionally a route (not used nowadays), and
a formal address specification.
map_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
map_engine [Uq_engines] |
map_engine observes the argument engine, and when the
state changes to `Done , `Error , or `Aborted , the corresponding
mapping function is called, and the resulting state becomes the state
of the mapped engine.
memory_mime_body [Netmime] |
An implementation of
mime_body where the value is stored
meta_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
meta_engine [Uq_engines] |
maps the final state
s to `Done s
mime_arg [Netcgi_common] |
Netcgi.Argument.mime .
mime_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi] | |
mime_argument [Netcgi] |
Old deprecated MIME argument class.
modify_http_engine_config [Nethttpd_engine] |
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional
modify_http_processor_config [Nethttpd_reactor] |
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional
modify_http_protocol_config [Nethttpd_kernel] |
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional
modify_http_reactor_config [Nethttpd_reactor] |
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional
mp [Netplex_mp] |
Unix.fork to create new threads.
msync_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
msync_engine [Uq_engines] |
Multiple synchronization:
let me = new msync_engine el f x0 esys - Runs the engines in el in
parallel, and waits until all are `Done .
mt [Netplex_mt] |
Thread.create to create new threads
O | |
of_stream_fs [Netglob] | |
options [Http_client] |
Argument: URI or "*"
options_call [Http_client] | |
out_obj_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
output_async_descr [Uq_engines_compat] | |
output_async_descr [Uq_transfer] |
This engine implements an
async_out_channel for the output
descriptor dst .
output_async_mplex [Uq_engines_compat] | |
output_async_mplex [Uq_transfer] |
Creates an asynchronous output channel writing to the multiplex
controller (see also
output_async_descr for the corresponding
class writing to a single descriptor).
output_buffer [Netchannels] |
This output channel writes the data into the passed buffer.
output_channel [Netchannels] |
Creates an output channel writing into an
out_channel .
output_command [Netchannels] |
Runs the command with
/bin/sh , and data written to the channel is
piped to stdin of the command.
output_deflate [Netgzip] | let ch' = new output_deflate ch : Data written to ch' is deflated
and written to ch .
output_descr [Netchannels] |
Creates a
raw_out_channel for the passed file descriptor, which must
be open for writing.
output_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
output_engine [Uq_engines] |
Generic output engine for writing to a file descriptor:
let e = new output_engine f fd tmo - Waits until the file descriptor
becomes writable, and calls then let x = f fd to write to the
output_filter [Netchannels] |
output_filter filters the data written to it through the
io_obj_channel (usually a pipe ), and writes the filtered data
to the passed out_obj_channel .
output_gzip [Netgzip] |
Gzip.out_channel turned into a Netchannels.out_obj_channel
output_inflate [Netgzip] | let ch' = new output_inflate ch : Data written to ch' is inflated
and written to ch .
output_netbuffer [Netchannels] |
This output channel writes the data into the passed netbuffer.
output_null [Netchannels] |
This output channel discards all written data.
P | |
performance_event_system [Unixqueue] |
The implementation using
Netsys_pollset_generic.performance_pollset .
pipe [Netchannels] |
pipe has two internal buffers (realized by Netbuffer).
pipeline [Http_client] |
A pipeline is a queue of HTTP calls to perform
poll_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
poll_engine [Uq_engines] |
This engine waits until one of the passed operations can be
carried out, or until one of the operations times out.
poll_process_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
poll_process_engine [Uq_engines] |
This class is deprecated! Use the classes in
Shell_uq instead.
pollset_event_system [Unixqueue_pollset] | |
post [Http_client] |
Arguments: URI, parameter list to be transferred as
application/x-www-form-urlencoded body
post_call [Http_client] | |
post_raw [Http_client] |
Arguments: URI, body
prioritizer [Uq_engines_compat] | |
prioritizer [Uq_engines] |
Creates a prioritizer
processor_base [Netplex_kit] |
A virtual (incomplete) base class for processors.
processor_hooks_delegation [Netplex_kit] |
Takes a hooks object, and makes a class of it.
protocol_switch_factory [Netplex_kit] | protocol_switch_factory name merge_list : Merges the factories
in merge_list to a single factory.
protocol_switch_processor [Netplex_kit] |
The arg is a list of pairs
(proto_name, proto_proc) .
proxy_client [Uq_socks5] |
The object created by
new proxy_client addr can be passed as proxy
to the Uq_engines.connector , Uq_engines.listener , and
Uq_engines.datagram_provider functions to use
the SOCKS proxy for connections, servers, and datagram socket,
pseudo_async_in_channel [Uq_engines_compat] | |
pseudo_async_in_channel [Uq_transfer] |
Takes a
Netchannels.raw_in_channel as an asynchronous channel.
pseudo_async_out_channel [Uq_engines_compat] | |
pseudo_async_out_channel [Uq_transfer] |
Takes a
Netchannels.raw_out_channel as an asynchronous channel.
put [Http_client] |
Arguments: URI, body
put_call [Http_client] | |
Q | |
qseq_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
qseq_engine [Uq_engines] | |
R | |
raw_in_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
raw_out_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
read_in_record_channel [Ftp_data_endpoint] |
Provides an
in_record_channel that takes newline characters as
EOR representation.
rec_in_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
rec_out_channel_delegation [Netchannels] | |
receiver [Uq_engines_compat] | |
receiver [Uq_transfer] |
This engine copies all data from the
src file descriptor to the
dst output channel.
recoding_pipe [Netconversion] |
Recodes a channel like
conversion_pipe .
redirected_environment [Nethttpd_types] |
This class overlays the input-side containers of an existing environment.
restrictive_cache [Http_client_conncache] |
A restrictive cache closes connections as soon as there are no
pending requests.
S | |
scram_gss_api [Netmech_scram_gssapi] |
Returns a standard-compliant GSS-API object for the passed SCRAM
select_based_event_system [Unixqueue_select] |
This the old
Unix.select -based imeplementation of event systems
which was the default one until Ocamlnet-2.2.
sender [Uq_engines_compat] | |
sender [Uq_transfer] |
This engine copies all data from the
src input channel to the
dst file descriptor.
seq_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
seq_engine [Uq_engines] |
This engine runs two engines in sequential order.
serializer [Uq_engines_compat] | |
serializer [Uq_engines] |
Creates a serializer
shell_fs [Shell_fs] | |
signal_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
signal_engine [Uq_engines] | let se = new signal_engine esys : The engine se remains in
`Working 0 until the method se # signal x is called.
simple_arg [Netcgi_common] | |
simple_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi] | |
simple_argument [Netcgi] |
Old deprecated simple argument class.
socket_descr [Netchannels] |
Creates a
raw_io_channel for the passed socket descriptor, which must
be open for reading and writing, and not yet shut down in either
standard_event_system [Unixqueue] |
The standard implementation of an event system.
std_activation [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi] | |
stream_seq_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
stream_seq_engine [Uq_engines] | let se = new stream_seq_engine x0 s esys : The constructed engine se
fetches functions f : 'a -> 'a #engine from the stream s , and
runs the engines obtained by calling these functions e = f x one
after the other.
sub_stream [Netstream] |
A sub stream is the part of the whole stream from the current position
to an arbitrary other position that is determined by
len and
delimiter .
sync_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
sync_engine [Uq_engines] |
This engine runs two engines in parallel, and waits until both
`Done (synchronization).
T | |
tcl_event_system [Uq_tcl] |
This class is an alternate implementation of the Unixqueue event systems
for the TCL event loop.
telnet_session [Telnet_client] |
A telnet session
tempfile_trans_channel [Netchannels] |
A transactional output channel with a transaction buffer implemented
as temporary file
template [Netcgi_modtpl] | new template ?filename tpl computes a new template from the
string tpl .
timeout_engine [Uq_engines_compat] | |
timeout_engine [Uq_engines] | timeout_engine d x e : If the engine e finishes within d
seconds, the result remains unchanged.
tls_endpoint [Netchannels_crypto] |
This class is slightly more efficient than
tls_layer , and to preferred
if you have direct access to the file descriptors.
tls_layer [Netchannels_crypto] |
Adds TLS security to an already established connection, here made
available as separate channels for input and output.
tls_socket_config [Rpc_server] |
TLS configuration as class
tls_socket_config [Rpc_client] |
TLS configuration as class
trace [Http_client] |
Arguments: URI, maximum number of hops
trace_call [Http_client] | |
U | |
unbound_async_call [Rpc_client] |
Same as
unbound_async_call , but with an engine API.
unified_auth_handler [Http_client] |
Support both digest and basic authentication, with preference to
unix_event_system [Unixqueue] |
An alternate name for
standard_event_system , provided for
backward compatibility.
W | |
watchdog [Uq_engines_compat] | |
watchdog [Uq_engines] |
A watchdog engine checks whether the argument engine makes
progress, and if there is no progress for the passed number of
seconds, the engine is aborted, and the watchdog state changes
`Error Watchdog_timeout .
write_out_record_channel [Ftp_data_endpoint] |
Provides an
out_record_channel that represents EOR as
newline character.
X | |
x509_certificate_from_ASN1 [Netx509] |
Parses the passed ASN.1 value and returns the certificate object
x509_certificate_from_DER [Netx509] |
Parses the passed DER string and returns the certificate object
x509_dn_from_ASN1 [Netx509] |
Returns the DN object for a
Name entity
x509_dn_from_string [Netx509] |
Returns the DN object for an RFC 4514-encoded string