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Index of classes

aggressive_cache [Http_client_conncache]
This type of cache tries to keep connections as long open as possible.
augment_raw_in_channel [Netchannels]
This class implements the methods from compl_in_channel by calling the methods of raw_in_channel.
augment_raw_out_channel [Netchannels]
This class implements the methods from compl_out_channel by calling the methods of raw_out_channel.

basic_auth_handler [Http_client]
Basic authentication.
basic_auth_method [Http_client]
basic_mime_header [Netmime]
An implementation of mime_header.
blocking_socket_config [Rpc_client]
blocking connect configuration as class
buffered_raw_in_channel [Netchannels]
This class adds a buffer to the underlying raw_in_channel.
buffered_raw_out_channel [Netchannels]
This class adds a buffer to the underlying raw_out_channel.
buffered_trans_channel [Netchannels]
A transactional output channel with a transaction buffer implemented in memory
buffering_engine_processing_config [Nethttpd_engine]
Implements the synchronisation by buffering

cache [Uq_engines_compat]
cache [Uq_engines]
new cache f esys: A cache that runs f esys to obtain values
call_engine [Shell_uq]
This engine corresponds to
cgi [Netcgi_common]
cgi env op meth args constructs Netcgi.cgi objects.
cgi_environment [Netcgi_common]
new cgi_environment ~config ~properties ~input_header out_obj generates a Netcgi.cgi_environment object, from the arguments.
client [Netsmtp]
client [Netpop]
The class client implements the POP3 protocol.
connect [Netsmtp]
connect addr timeout: Connects with the server at addr, and configure that I/O operations time out after timeout seconds of waiting.
connect [Netpop]
connect addr timeout: Connects with the server at addr, and configure that I/O operations time out after timeout seconds of waiting.
conversion_pipe [Netconversion]
This pipeline class (see Netchannels for more information) can be used to recode a netchannel while reading or writing.
copier [Uq_engines_compat]
copier [Uq_transfer]
This engine copies data between file descriptors as specified by the copy_task argument.
create_full_info [Nethttpd_types]
Creates a full_info object by adding to a request_info object

data_converter [Ftp_data_endpoint]
Creates a data conversion pipe converting fromrepr to torepr.
decoding_pipe [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable]
This pipe decodes the data written into the pipe.
decoding_pipe [Netencoding.Base64]
This pipe decodes the data written into the pipe.
default_socket_config [Rpc_server]
default_socket_config [Rpc_client]
Default configuration as class
deflating_pipe [Netgzip]
A deflating (compressing) pipe for gzip data, to be used in filters
delay_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
delay_engine [Uq_engines]
let de = delay_engine d f esys: The engine e = f() is created after d seconds, and the result of e becomes the result of de.
delegate_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
delegate_engine [Uq_engines]
Turns an engine value into a class
delete [Http_client]
Argument: URI
delete_call [Http_client]
digest_auth_handler [Http_client]
Digest authentication.
digest_auth_method [Http_client]
direct_acceptor [Uq_engines_compat]
direct_acceptor [Uq_server]
An implementation of server_endpoint_acceptor for sockets and Win32 named pipes.
direct_socket_acceptor [Uq_engines_compat]

empty_environment [Nethttpd_types]
This class implements an environment with defined internal containers.
empty_fs [Netfs]
This is a class where all methods fail with ENOSYS.
empty_processor_hooks [Netplex_kit]
This is an empty set of processor hooks, i.e.
encoding_pipe [Netencoding.QuotedPrintable]
This pipe encodes the data written into the pipe.
encoding_pipe [Netencoding.Base64]
This pipe encodes the data written into the pipe.
engine_mixin [Uq_engines_compat]
engine_mixin [Uq_engines]
A useful class fragment that implements state and request_notification.
epsilon_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
epsilon_engine [Uq_engines]
This engine transitions from its initial state `Working 0 in one step ("epsilon time") to the passed constant state.

file_mime_body [Netmime]
An implementation of mime_body where the value is stored in an external file.
fmap_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
fmap_engine [Uq_engines]
Similar to map_engine but different calling conventions: The mapping function is called when the argument engine reaches a final state, and this state can be mapped to another final state.
ftp_client [Ftp_client]
The ftp client is a user session that may even span several connections.
ftp_data_receiver [Ftp_data_endpoint]
This engine receives data on a FTP data connection, and forwards them to a local receiver.
ftp_data_sender [Ftp_data_endpoint]
This engine sends data over a FTP data connection coming from a local sender.
ftp_fs [Ftp_fs]
ftp_fs base_url: Access the FTP file system rooted at base_url.

generic_call [Http_client]
This class is an implementation of http_call.
get [Http_client]
Argument: URI
get_call [Http_client]
group [Netaddress]
A group has a name, and consists of a number of mailboxes.
gtk_event_system [Uq_gtk]
This class is an alternate implementation of the Unixqueue event systems for the Glib event loop.

head [Http_client]
Argument: URI
head_call [Http_client]
http_engine [Nethttpd_engine]
This engine processes the requests arriving on the file descriptor using the Unix event system.
http_environment [Nethttpd_reactor]
For private use only
http_fs [Http_fs]
http_fs base_url: Accesses the HTTP file system rooted at base_url.
http_protocol [Nethttpd_kernel]
The core event loop of the HTTP daemon
http_reactor [Nethttpd_reactor]
The http_reactor allows one to pull the next request from a connected client, and to deliver the response to the protocol engine.
http_response_impl [Nethttpd_kernel]
Exported for debugging and testing only

in_obj_channel_delegation [Netchannels]
inflating_pipe [Netgzip]
An inflating (uncompressing) pipe for gzip data, to be used in filters
input_async_descr [Uq_engines_compat]
input_async_descr [Uq_transfer]
The corresponding class for asynchronous input channels.
input_async_mplex [Uq_engines_compat]
input_async_mplex [Uq_transfer]
Creates an asynchronous input channel reading from the multiplex controller.
input_channel [Netchannels]
Creates an input channel from an in_channel, which must be open.
input_command [Netchannels]
Runs the command with /bin/sh, and reads the data the command prints to stdout.
input_deflate [Netgzip]
let ch' = new input_deflate ch: Reading data from ch' deflates data read from ch.
input_descr [Netchannels]
Creates a raw_in_channel for the passed file descriptor, which must be open for reading.
input_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
input_engine [Uq_engines]
Generic input engine for reading from a file descriptor: let e = new input_engine f fd tmo - Waits until the file descriptor becomes readable, and calls then let x = f fd to read from the descriptor.
input_filter [Netchannels]
An input_filter filters the data read from it through the io_obj_channel (usually a pipe after the data have been retrieved from the passed in_obj_channel.
input_gzip [Netgzip]
A Gzip.in_channel turned into a Netchannels.in_obj_channel
input_inflate [Netgzip]
let ch' = new input_inflate ch: Reading data from ch' inflates data read from ch.
input_stream [Netstream]
Make an in_obj_stream on top of an in_obj_channel.
input_string [Netchannels]
Creates an input channel from a (constant) string.

job_engine [Shell_sys]
The job_engine watches the job, and looks whether the processes are finished, and if so, it records the process statuses.

key_ring [Http_client]
The key_ring is a cache for keys.

lift_raw_out_channel [Netchannels]
This class implements the methods from compl_out_channel by calling the methods of raw_out_channel.
lift_rec_in_channel [Netchannels]
This class implements pos_in and the methods from compl_in_channel by calling the methods of rec_in_channel.
lift_rec_out_channel [Netchannels]
This class implements pos_out and the methods from compl_out_channel by calling the methods of rec_out_channel.
lingering_close [Nethttpd_kernel]
Closes a file descriptor using the "lingering close" algorithm.
local_fsys [Netglob]
local_user_info [Netglob]
lwt_backend [Uq_lwt]
Adapter for turning an Ocamlnet event_system into an Lwt Lwt_engine.t.

mailbox [Netaddress]
A mailbox has a name, optionally a route (not used nowadays), and a formal address specification.
map_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
map_engine [Uq_engines]
The map_engine observes the argument engine, and when the state changes to `Done, `Error, or `Aborted, the corresponding mapping function is called, and the resulting state becomes the state of the mapped engine.
memory_mime_body [Netmime]
An implementation of mime_body where the value is stored in-memory.
meta_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
meta_engine [Uq_engines]
maps the final state s to `Done s
mime_arg [Netcgi_common]
mime_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi]
mime_argument [Netcgi]
Old deprecated MIME argument class.
modify_http_engine_config [Nethttpd_engine]
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments.
modify_http_processor_config [Nethttpd_reactor]
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments.
modify_http_protocol_config [Nethttpd_kernel]
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments
modify_http_reactor_config [Nethttpd_reactor]
Modifies the passed config object as specified by the optional arguments.
mp [Netplex_mp]
Uses Unix.fork to create new threads.
msync_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
msync_engine [Uq_engines]
Multiple synchronization: let me = new msync_engine el f x0 esys - Runs the engines in el in parallel, and waits until all are `Done.
mt [Netplex_mt]
Uses Thread.create to create new threads

of_stream_fs [Netglob]
options [Http_client]
Argument: URI or "*"
options_call [Http_client]
out_obj_channel_delegation [Netchannels]
output_async_descr [Uq_engines_compat]
output_async_descr [Uq_transfer]
This engine implements an async_out_channel for the output descriptor dst.
output_async_mplex [Uq_engines_compat]
output_async_mplex [Uq_transfer]
Creates an asynchronous output channel writing to the multiplex controller (see also output_async_descr for the corresponding class writing to a single descriptor).
output_buffer [Netchannels]
This output channel writes the data into the passed buffer.
output_channel [Netchannels]
Creates an output channel writing into an out_channel.
output_command [Netchannels]
Runs the command with /bin/sh, and data written to the channel is piped to stdin of the command.
output_deflate [Netgzip]
let ch' = new output_deflate ch: Data written to ch' is deflated and written to ch.
output_descr [Netchannels]
Creates a raw_out_channel for the passed file descriptor, which must be open for writing.
output_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
output_engine [Uq_engines]
Generic output engine for writing to a file descriptor: let e = new output_engine f fd tmo - Waits until the file descriptor becomes writable, and calls then let x = f fd to write to the descriptor.
output_filter [Netchannels]
An output_filter filters the data written to it through the io_obj_channel (usually a pipe), and writes the filtered data to the passed out_obj_channel.
output_gzip [Netgzip]
A Gzip.out_channel turned into a Netchannels.out_obj_channel
output_inflate [Netgzip]
let ch' = new output_inflate ch: Data written to ch' is inflated and written to ch.
output_netbuffer [Netchannels]
This output channel writes the data into the passed netbuffer.
output_null [Netchannels]
This output channel discards all written data.

performance_event_system [Unixqueue]
The implementation using Netsys_pollset_generic.performance_pollset.
pipe [Netchannels]
A pipe has two internal buffers (realized by Netbuffer).
pipeline [Http_client]
A pipeline is a queue of HTTP calls to perform
poll_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
poll_engine [Uq_engines]
This engine waits until one of the passed operations can be carried out, or until one of the operations times out.
poll_process_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
poll_process_engine [Uq_engines]
This class is deprecated! Use the classes in Shell_uq instead.
pollset_event_system [Unixqueue_pollset]
post [Http_client]
Arguments: URI, parameter list to be transferred as application/x-www-form-urlencoded body
post_call [Http_client]
post_raw [Http_client]
Arguments: URI, body
prioritizer [Uq_engines_compat]
prioritizer [Uq_engines]
Creates a prioritizer
processor_base [Netplex_kit]
A virtual (incomplete) base class for processors.
processor_hooks_delegation [Netplex_kit]
Takes a hooks object, and makes a class of it.
protocol_switch_factory [Netplex_kit]
protocol_switch_factory name merge_list: Merges the factories in merge_list to a single factory.
protocol_switch_processor [Netplex_kit]
The arg is a list of pairs (proto_name, proto_proc).
proxy_client [Uq_socks5]
The object created by new proxy_client addr can be passed as proxy to the Uq_engines.connector, Uq_engines.listener, and Uq_engines.datagram_provider functions to use the SOCKS proxy for connections, servers, and datagram socket, respectively.
pseudo_async_in_channel [Uq_engines_compat]
pseudo_async_in_channel [Uq_transfer]
Takes a Netchannels.raw_in_channel as an asynchronous channel.
pseudo_async_out_channel [Uq_engines_compat]
pseudo_async_out_channel [Uq_transfer]
Takes a Netchannels.raw_out_channel as an asynchronous channel.
put [Http_client]
Arguments: URI, body
put_call [Http_client]

qseq_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
qseq_engine [Uq_engines]

raw_in_channel_delegation [Netchannels]
raw_out_channel_delegation [Netchannels]
read_in_record_channel [Ftp_data_endpoint]
Provides an in_record_channel that takes newline characters as EOR representation.
rec_in_channel_delegation [Netchannels]
rec_out_channel_delegation [Netchannels]
receiver [Uq_engines_compat]
receiver [Uq_transfer]
This engine copies all data from the src file descriptor to the dst output channel.
recoding_pipe [Netconversion]
Recodes a channel like conversion_pipe.
redirected_environment [Nethttpd_types]
This class overlays the input-side containers of an existing environment.
restrictive_cache [Http_client_conncache]
A restrictive cache closes connections as soon as there are no pending requests.

scram_gss_api [Netmech_scram_gssapi]
Returns a standard-compliant GSS-API object for the passed SCRAM profile.
select_based_event_system [Unixqueue_select]
This the old imeplementation of event systems which was the default one until Ocamlnet-2.2.
sender [Uq_engines_compat]
sender [Uq_transfer]
This engine copies all data from the src input channel to the dst file descriptor.
seq_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
seq_engine [Uq_engines]
This engine runs two engines in sequential order.
serializer [Uq_engines_compat]
serializer [Uq_engines]
Creates a serializer
shell_fs [Shell_fs]
signal_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
signal_engine [Uq_engines]
let se = new signal_engine esys: The engine se remains in `Working 0 until the method se # signal x is called.
simple_arg [Netcgi_common]
simple_argument [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi]
simple_argument [Netcgi]
Old deprecated simple argument class.
socket_descr [Netchannels]
Creates a raw_io_channel for the passed socket descriptor, which must be open for reading and writing, and not yet shut down in either direction.
standard_event_system [Unixqueue]
The standard implementation of an event system.
std_activation [Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi]
stream_seq_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
stream_seq_engine [Uq_engines]
let se = new stream_seq_engine x0 s esys: The constructed engine se fetches functions f : 'a -> 'a #engine from the stream s, and runs the engines obtained by calling these functions e = f x one after the other.
sub_stream [Netstream]
A sub stream is the part of the whole stream from the current position to an arbitrary other position that is determined by len and delimiter.
sync_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
sync_engine [Uq_engines]
This engine runs two engines in parallel, and waits until both are `Done (synchronization).

tcl_event_system [Uq_tcl]
This class is an alternate implementation of the Unixqueue event systems for the TCL event loop.
telnet_session [Telnet_client]
A telnet session
tempfile_trans_channel [Netchannels]
A transactional output channel with a transaction buffer implemented as temporary file
template [Netcgi_modtpl]
new template ?filename tpl computes a new template from the string tpl.
timeout_engine [Uq_engines_compat]
timeout_engine [Uq_engines]
timeout_engine d x e: If the engine e finishes within d seconds, the result remains unchanged.
tls_endpoint [Netchannels_crypto]
This class is slightly more efficient than tls_layer, and to preferred if you have direct access to the file descriptors.
tls_layer [Netchannels_crypto]
Adds TLS security to an already established connection, here made available as separate channels for input and output.
tls_socket_config [Rpc_server]
TLS configuration as class
tls_socket_config [Rpc_client]
TLS configuration as class
trace [Http_client]
Arguments: URI, maximum number of hops
trace_call [Http_client]

unbound_async_call [Rpc_client]
Same as unbound_async_call, but with an engine API.
unified_auth_handler [Http_client]
Support both digest and basic authentication, with preference to digest.
unix_event_system [Unixqueue]
An alternate name for standard_event_system, provided for backward compatibility.

watchdog [Uq_engines_compat]
watchdog [Uq_engines]
A watchdog engine checks whether the argument engine makes progress, and if there is no progress for the passed number of seconds, the engine is aborted, and the watchdog state changes to `Error Watchdog_timeout.
write_out_record_channel [Ftp_data_endpoint]
Provides an out_record_channel that represents EOR as newline character.

x509_certificate_from_ASN1 [Netx509]
Parses the passed ASN.1 value and returns the certificate object
x509_certificate_from_DER [Netx509]
Parses the passed DER string and returns the certificate object
x509_dn_from_ASN1 [Netx509]
Returns the DN object for a Name entity
x509_dn_from_string [Netx509]
Returns the DN object for an RFC 4514-encoded string
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